Coverage for /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.18/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/memilio/surrogatemodel/ode_secir_groups/ 77%
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2# Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
4# Authors: Agatha Schmidt, Henrik Zunker
6# Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
8# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10# You may obtain a copy of the License at
14# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18# limitations under the License.
20import copy
21import os
22import pickle
23import random
24import json
25from datetime import date
27import numpy as np
28import tensorflow as tf
29from import Bar
30from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer
32from memilio.simulation import (AgeGroup, Damping, LogLevel, set_log_level)
33from memilio.simulation.osecir import (Index_InfectionState,
34 InfectionState, Model,
35 interpolate_simulation_result, simulate)
38def interpolate_age_groups(data_entry):
39 """! Interpolates the age groups from the population data into the age groups used in the simulation.
40 We assume that the people in the age groups are uniformly distributed.
41 @param data_entry Data entry containing the population data.
42 @return List containing the population in each age group used in the simulation.
43 """
44 age_groups = {
45 "A00-A04": data_entry['<3 years'] + data_entry['3-5 years'] * 2 / 3,
46 "A05-A14": data_entry['3-5 years'] * 1 / 3 + data_entry['6-14 years'],
47 "A15-A34": data_entry['15-17 years'] + data_entry['18-24 years'] + data_entry['25-29 years'] + data_entry['30-39 years'] * 1 / 2,
48 "A35-A59": data_entry['30-39 years'] * 1 / 2 + data_entry['40-49 years'] + data_entry['50-64 years'] * 2 / 3,
49 "A60-A79": data_entry['50-64 years'] * 1 / 3 + data_entry['65-74 years'] + data_entry['>74 years'] * 1 / 5,
50 "A80+": data_entry['>74 years'] * 4 / 5
51 }
52 return [age_groups[key] for key in age_groups]
55def remove_confirmed_compartments(result_array):
56 """! Removes the confirmed compartments which are not used in the data generation.
57 @param result_array Array containing the simulation results.
58 @return Array containing the simulation results without the confirmed compartments.
59 """
60 num_groups = int(result_array.shape[1] / 10)
61 delete_indices = [index for i in range(
62 num_groups) for index in (3+10*i, 5+10*i)]
63 return np.delete(result_array, delete_indices, axis=1)
66def transform_data(data, transformer, num_runs):
67 """! Transforms the data by a logarithmic normalization.
68 Reshaping is necessary, because the transformer needs an array with dimension <= 2.
69 @param data Data to be transformed.
70 @param transformer Transformer used for the transformation.
71 @return Transformed data.
72 """
73 data = np.asarray(data).transpose(2, 0, 1).reshape(48, -1)
74 scaled_data = transformer.transform(data)
75 return tf.convert_to_tensor(scaled_data.transpose().reshape(num_runs, -1, 48))
78def run_secir_groups_simulation(days, damping_day, populations):
79 """! Uses an ODE SECIR model allowing for asymptomatic infection with 6 different age groups. The model is not stratified by region.
80 Virus-specific parameters are fixed and initial number of persons in the particular infection states are chosen randomly from defined ranges.
81 @param Days Describes how many days we simulate within a single run.
82 @param damping_day The day when damping is applied.
83 @param populations List containing the population in each age group.
84 @return List containing the populations in each compartment used to initialize the run.
85 """
86 set_log_level(LogLevel.Off)
88 start_day = 1
89 start_month = 1
90 start_year = 2019
91 dt = 0.1
93 # Define age Groups
94 groups = ['0-4', '5-14', '15-34', '35-59', '60-79', '80+']
95 num_groups = len(groups)
97 # Initialize Parameters
98 model = Model(num_groups)
100 # Set parameters
101 for i in range(num_groups):
102 # Compartment transition duration
103 model.parameters.TimeExposed[AgeGroup(i)] = 3.2
104 model.parameters.TimeInfectedNoSymptoms[AgeGroup(i)] = 2.
105 model.parameters.TimeInfectedSymptoms[AgeGroup(i)] = 6.
106 model.parameters.TimeInfectedSevere[AgeGroup(i)] = 12.
107 model.parameters.TimeInfectedCritical[AgeGroup(i)] = 8.
109 # Initial number of people in each compartment with random numbers
110 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
111 InfectionState.Exposed)] = random.uniform(
112 0.00025, 0.0005) * populations[i]
113 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
114 InfectionState.InfectedNoSymptoms)] = random.uniform(
115 0.0001, 0.00035) * populations[i]
116 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
117 InfectionState.InfectedNoSymptomsConfirmed)] = 0
118 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
119 InfectionState.InfectedSymptoms)] = random.uniform(
120 0.00007, 0.0001) * populations[i]
121 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
122 InfectionState.InfectedSymptomsConfirmed)] = 0
123 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
124 InfectionState.InfectedSevere)] = random.uniform(
125 0.00003, 0.00006) * populations[i]
126 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
127 InfectionState.InfectedCritical)] = random.uniform(
128 0.00001, 0.00002) * populations[i]
129 model.populations[AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(
130 InfectionState.Recovered)] = random.uniform(
131 0.002, 0.008) * populations[i]
132 model.populations[AgeGroup(i),
133 Index_InfectionState(InfectionState.Dead)] = 0
134 model.populations.set_difference_from_group_total_AgeGroup(
135 (AgeGroup(i), Index_InfectionState(InfectionState.Susceptible)), populations[i])
137 # Compartment transition propabilities
138 model.parameters.RelativeTransmissionNoSymptoms[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.5
139 model.parameters.TransmissionProbabilityOnContact[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.1
140 model.parameters.RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.09
141 model.parameters.RiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.25
142 model.parameters.SeverePerInfectedSymptoms[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.2
143 model.parameters.CriticalPerSevere[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.25
144 model.parameters.DeathsPerCritical[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.3
145 # twice the value of RiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic
146 model.parameters.MaxRiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic[AgeGroup(i)] = 0.5
148 # StartDay is the n-th day of the year
149 model.parameters.StartDay = (
150 date(start_year, start_month, start_day) - date(start_year, 1, 1)).days
152 # Load baseline and minimum contact matrix and assign them to the model
153 baseline = getBaselineMatrix()
154 minimum = getMinimumMatrix()
156 model.parameters.ContactPatterns.cont_freq_mat[0].baseline = baseline
157 model.parameters.ContactPatterns.cont_freq_mat[0].minimum = minimum
159 # Generate a damping matrix and assign it to the model
160 damping = np.ones((num_groups, num_groups)
161 ) * np.float16(random.uniform(0, 0.5))
163 model.parameters.ContactPatterns.cont_freq_mat.add_damping(Damping(
164 coeffs=(damping), t=damping_day, level=0, type=0))
166 damped_contact_matrix = model.parameters.ContactPatterns.cont_freq_mat.get_matrix_at(
167 damping_day+1)
169 # Apply mathematical constraints to parameters
170 model.apply_constraints()
172 # Run Simulation
173 result = simulate(0, days, dt, model)
175 # Interpolate simulation result on days time scale
176 result = interpolate_simulation_result(result)
178 result_array = remove_confirmed_compartments(
179 np.transpose(result.as_ndarray()[1:, :]))
181 # Omit first column, as the time points are not of interest here.
182 dataset_entries = copy.deepcopy(result_array)
184 return dataset_entries.tolist(), damped_contact_matrix
187def generate_data(
188 num_runs, path_out, path_population, input_width, label_width,
189 normalize=True, save_data=True):
190 """! Generate data sets of num_runs many equation-based model simulations and transforms the computed results by a log(1+x) transformation.
191 Divides the results in input and label data sets and returns them as a dictionary of two TensorFlow Stacks.
192 In general, we have 8 different compartments and 6 age groups. If we choose,
193 input_width = 5 and label_width = 20, the dataset has
194 - input with dimension 5 x 8 x 6
195 - labels with dimension 20 x 8 x 6
196 @param num_runs Number of times, the function run_secir_groups_simulation is called.
197 @param path_out Path, where the dataset is saved to.
198 @param path_population Path, where we try to read the population data.
199 @param input_width Int value that defines the number of time series used for the input.
200 @param label_width Int value that defines the size of the labels.
201 @param normalize [Default: true] Option to transform dataset by logarithmic normalization.
202 @param save_data [Default: true] Option to save the dataset.
203 @return Data dictionary of input and label data sets.
204 """
205 data = {
206 "inputs": [],
207 "labels": [],
208 "contact_matrix": [],
209 "damping_day": []
210 }
212 # The number of days is the same as the sum of input and label width.
213 # Since the first day of the input is day 0, we still need to subtract 1.
214 days = input_width + label_width - 1
216 # Load population data
217 population = get_population(path_population)
219 # show progess in terminal for longer runs
220 # Due to the random structure, there's currently no need to shuffle the data
221 bar = Bar('Number of Runs done', max=num_runs)
222 for _ in range(0, num_runs):
224 # Generate a random damping day
225 damping_day = random.randrange(
226 input_width, input_width+label_width)
228 data_run, damped_contact_matrix = run_secir_groups_simulation(
229 days, damping_day, population[random.randint(0, len(population) - 1)])
230 data['inputs'].append(data_run[:input_width])
231 data['labels'].append(data_run[input_width:])
232 data['contact_matrix'].append(np.array(damped_contact_matrix))
233 data['damping_day'].append(damping_day)
235 bar.finish()
237 if normalize:
238 # logarithmic normalization
239 transformer = FunctionTransformer(np.log1p, validate=True)
241 # transform inputs and labels
242 data['inputs'] = transform_data(data['inputs'], transformer, num_runs)
243 data['labels'] = transform_data(data['labels'], transformer, num_runs)
244 else:
245 data['inputs'] = tf.convert_to_tensor(data['inputs'])
246 data['labels'] = tf.convert_to_tensor(data['labels'])
248 if save_data:
249 # check if data directory exists. If necessary, create it.
250 if not os.path.isdir(path_out):
251 os.mkdir(path_out)
253 # save dict to json file
254 with open(os.path.join(path_out, 'data_secir_groups.pickle'), 'wb') as f:
255 pickle.dump(data, f)
256 return data
259def getBaselineMatrix():
260 """! loads the baselinematrix
261 """
263 baseline_contact_matrix0 = os.path.join(
264 "./data/contacts/baseline_home.txt")
265 baseline_contact_matrix1 = os.path.join(
266 "./data/contacts/baseline_school_pf_eig.txt")
267 baseline_contact_matrix2 = os.path.join(
268 "./data/contacts/baseline_work.txt")
269 baseline_contact_matrix3 = os.path.join(
270 "./data/contacts/baseline_other.txt")
272 baseline = np.loadtxt(baseline_contact_matrix0) \
273 + np.loadtxt(baseline_contact_matrix1) + \
274 np.loadtxt(baseline_contact_matrix2) + \
275 np.loadtxt(baseline_contact_matrix3)
277 return baseline
280def getMinimumMatrix():
281 """! loads the minimum matrix
282 """
284 minimum_contact_matrix0 = os.path.join(
285 "./data/contacts/minimum_home.txt")
286 minimum_contact_matrix1 = os.path.join(
287 "./data/contacts/minimum_school_pf_eig.txt")
288 minimum_contact_matrix2 = os.path.join(
289 "./data/contacts/minimum_work.txt")
290 minimum_contact_matrix3 = os.path.join(
291 "./data/contacts/minimum_other.txt")
293 minimum = np.loadtxt(minimum_contact_matrix0) \
294 + np.loadtxt(minimum_contact_matrix1) + \
295 np.loadtxt(minimum_contact_matrix2) + \
296 np.loadtxt(minimum_contact_matrix3)
298 return minimum
301def get_population(path):
302 """! read population data in list from dataset
303 @param path Path to the dataset containing the population data
304 """
306 with open(path) as f:
307 data = json.load(f)
308 population = []
309 for data_entry in data:
310 population.append(interpolate_age_groups(data_entry))
311 return population
314if __name__ == "__main__":
315 # Store data relative to current file two levels higher.
316 path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
317 path_output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(
318 os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path)))), 'data')
320 path_population = os.path.abspath(
321 r"data//pydata//Germany//county_population.json")
323 input_width = 5
324 label_width = 30
325 num_runs = 10000
326 data = generate_data(num_runs, path_output, path_population, input_width,
327 label_width)