LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - models/ode_secirvvs - model.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 487 495 98.4 %
Date: 2025-02-17 13:46:44 Functions: 21 21 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* 
       2             : * Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
       3             : *
       4             : * Authors: Wadim Koslow, Daniel Abele, Martin J. Kühn
       5             : *
       6             : * Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
       7             : *
       8             : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       9             : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      10             : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      11             : *
      12             : *
      13             : *
      14             : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      15             : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      16             : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      17             : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      18             : * limitations under the License.
      19             : */
      20             : #ifndef MIO_ODE_SECIRVVS_MODEL_H
      21             : #define MIO_ODE_SECIRVVS_MODEL_H
      22             : 
      23             : #include "memilio/compartments/flow_model.h"
      24             : #include "memilio/compartments/simulation.h"
      25             : #include "memilio/compartments/flow_simulation.h"
      26             : #include "memilio/epidemiology/populations.h"
      27             : #include "ode_secirvvs/analyze_result.h"
      28             : #include "ode_secirvvs/infection_state.h"
      29             : #include "ode_secirvvs/parameters.h"
      30             : #include "memilio/math/smoother.h"
      31             : #include "memilio/math/eigen_util.h"
      32             : 
      33             : namespace mio
      34             : {
      35             : namespace osecirvvs
      36             : {
      37             : // clang-format off
      38             : using Flows = TypeList<
      39             :     //naive
      40             :     Flow<InfectionState::SusceptibleNaive,                            InfectionState::ExposedNaive>, 
      41             :     Flow<InfectionState::ExposedNaive,                                InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive>,
      42             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive,                     InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive>,
      43             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive,                     InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      44             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,            InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed>,
      45             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,            InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      46             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive,                       InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive>,
      47             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive,                       InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      48             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,              InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive>,
      49             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,              InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      50             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive,                         InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive>,
      51             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive,                         InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>, 
      52             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive,                         InfectionState::DeadNaive>,
      53             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive,                       InfectionState::DeadNaive>,
      54             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive,                       InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      55             :     //partial immunity
      56             :     Flow<InfectionState::SusceptiblePartialImmunity,                  InfectionState::ExposedPartialImmunity>,
      57             :     Flow<InfectionState::ExposedPartialImmunity,                      InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity>,
      58             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity,           InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity>,
      59             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity,           InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      60             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,  InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed>,
      61             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,  InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      62             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity,             InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity>,
      63             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity,             InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      64             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,    InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity>,
      65             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,    InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      66             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity,               InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity>,
      67             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity,               InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      68             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity,               InfectionState::DeadPartialImmunity>,
      69             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity,             InfectionState::DeadPartialImmunity>,
      70             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity,             InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      71             :     //improved immunity
      72             :     Flow<InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity,                 InfectionState::ExposedImprovedImmunity>,
      73             :     Flow<InfectionState::ExposedImprovedImmunity,                     InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity>,
      74             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity,          InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity>,
      75             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity,          InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      76             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed>,
      77             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed, InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      78             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity,            InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity>,
      79             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity,            InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      80             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed,   InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity>,
      81             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed,   InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      82             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity,              InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity>,
      83             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity,              InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>,
      84             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity,              InfectionState::DeadImprovedImmunity>,
      85             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity,            InfectionState::DeadImprovedImmunity>,
      86             :     Flow<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity,            InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>>;
      87             : // clang-format on
      88             : 
      89             : template <typename FP = ScalarType>
      90             : class Model
      91             :     : public FlowModel<FP, InfectionState, mio::Populations<FP, AgeGroup, InfectionState>, Parameters<FP>, Flows>
      92             : {
      93             :     using Base = FlowModel<FP, InfectionState, mio::Populations<FP, AgeGroup, InfectionState>, Parameters<FP>, Flows>;
      94             : 
      95             : public:
      96             :     using typename Base::ParameterSet;
      97             :     using typename Base::Populations;
      98             : 
      99         284 :     Model(const Populations& pop, const ParameterSet& params)
     100         284 :         : Base(pop, params)
     101             :     {
     102         284 :     }
     103             : 
     104         283 :     Model(int num_agegroups)
     105         283 :         : Model(Populations({AgeGroup(num_agegroups), InfectionState::Count}), ParameterSet(AgeGroup(num_agegroups)))
     106             :     {
     107         283 :     }
     108             : 
     109        6921 :     void get_flows(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<FP>> pop, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<FP>> y, FP t,
     110             :                    Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorX<FP>> flows) const override
     111             :     {
     112        6921 :         auto const& params   = this->parameters;
     113        6921 :         AgeGroup n_agegroups = params.get_num_groups();
     114             : 
     115        6921 :         ContactMatrixGroup const& contact_matrix = params.template get<ContactPatterns<FP>>();
     116             : 
     117        6921 :         auto icu_occupancy           = 0.0;
     118        6921 :         auto test_and_trace_required = 0.0;
     119       23670 :         for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < n_agegroups; ++i) {
     120       16749 :             test_and_trace_required +=
     121       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     122       16749 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] *
     123       33498 :                 (this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive}) +
     124       33498 :                  this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity}) +
     125       33498 :                  this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity}) +
     126       33498 :                  this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed}) +
     127       33498 :                  this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed}) +
     128       16749 :                  this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed}));
     129       33498 :             icu_occupancy += this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive}) +
     130       33498 :                              this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity}) +
     131       16749 :                              this->populations.get_from(pop, {i, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity});
     132             :         }
     133             : 
     134       23670 :         for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < n_agegroups; i++) {
     135             : 
     136       16749 :             size_t SNi    = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::SusceptibleNaive});
     137       16749 :             size_t ENi    = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::ExposedNaive});
     138       16749 :             size_t INSNi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive});
     139       16749 :             size_t ISyNi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive});
     140       16749 :             size_t ISevNi = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive});
     141       16749 :             size_t ICrNi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive});
     142             : 
     143       16749 :             size_t INSNCi = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     144       16749 :             size_t ISyNCi = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     145             : 
     146       16749 :             size_t SPIi    = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::SusceptiblePartialImmunity});
     147       16749 :             size_t EPIi    = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::ExposedPartialImmunity});
     148       16749 :             size_t INSPIi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     149       16749 :             size_t ISyPIi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     150       16749 :             size_t ISevPIi = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity});
     151       16749 :             size_t ICrPIi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity});
     152             : 
     153             :             size_t INSPICi =
     154       16749 :                 this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     155             :             size_t ISyPICi =
     156       16749 :                 this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     157             : 
     158       16749 :             size_t EIIi    = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::ExposedImprovedImmunity});
     159       16749 :             size_t INSIIi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     160       16749 :             size_t ISyIIi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     161       16749 :             size_t ISevIIi = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity});
     162       16749 :             size_t ICrIIi  = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity});
     163             : 
     164             :             size_t INSIICi =
     165       16749 :                 this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     166             :             size_t ISyIICi =
     167       16749 :                 this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     168             : 
     169       16749 :             size_t SIIi = this->populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity});
     170             : 
     171       16749 :             double reducExposedPartialImmunity  = params.template get<ReducExposedPartialImmunity<FP>>()[i];
     172       16749 :             double reducExposedImprovedImmunity = params.template get<ReducExposedImprovedImmunity<FP>>()[i];
     173       16749 :             double reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity =
     174       16749 :                 params.template get<ReducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity<FP>>()[i];
     175       16749 :             double reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity =
     176       16749 :                 params.template get<ReducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity<FP>>()[i];
     177       16749 :             double reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity =
     178       16749 :                 params.template get<ReducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity<FP>>()[i];
     179       16749 :             double reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity =
     180       16749 :                 params.template get<ReducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity<FP>>()[i];
     181       16749 :             double reducTimeInfectedMild = params.template get<ReducTimeInfectedMild<FP>>()[i];
     182             : 
     183             :             //symptomatic are less well quarantined when testing and tracing is overwhelmed so they infect more people
     184             :             auto riskFromInfectedSymptomatic =
     185       66996 :                 smoother_cosine(test_and_trace_required, params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacity<FP>>(),
     186       33498 :                                 params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacity<FP>>() *
     187       16749 :                                     params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacityMaxRiskSymptoms<FP>>(),
     188       16749 :                                 params.template get<RiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic<FP>>()[i],
     189       16749 :                                 params.template get<MaxRiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic<FP>>()[i]);
     190             : 
     191             :             auto riskFromInfectedNoSymptoms =
     192       50247 :                 smoother_cosine(test_and_trace_required, params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacity<FP>>(),
     193       33498 :                                 params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacity<FP>>() *
     194       16749 :                                     params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacityMaxRiskNoSymptoms<FP>>(),
     195       16749 :                                 params.template get<RelativeTransmissionNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i], 1.0);
     196             : 
     197       59742 :             for (auto j = AgeGroup(0); j < n_agegroups; j++) {
     198       42993 :                 size_t SNj    = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::SusceptibleNaive});
     199       42993 :                 size_t ENj    = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::ExposedNaive});
     200       42993 :                 size_t INSNj  = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive});
     201       42993 :                 size_t ISyNj  = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive});
     202       42993 :                 size_t ISevNj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive});
     203       42993 :                 size_t ICrNj  = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive});
     204       42993 :                 size_t SIIj   = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity});
     205             : 
     206       42993 :                 size_t INSNCj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     207       42993 :                 size_t ISyNCj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     208             : 
     209       42993 :                 size_t SPIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::SusceptiblePartialImmunity});
     210       42993 :                 size_t EPIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::ExposedPartialImmunity});
     211             :                 size_t INSPIj =
     212       42993 :                     this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     213       42993 :                 size_t ISyPIj  = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     214       42993 :                 size_t ISevPIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity});
     215       42993 :                 size_t ICrPIj  = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity});
     216             : 
     217             :                 size_t INSPICj =
     218       42993 :                     this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     219             :                 size_t ISyPICj =
     220       42993 :                     this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     221             : 
     222       42993 :                 size_t EIIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::ExposedImprovedImmunity});
     223             :                 size_t INSIIj =
     224       42993 :                     this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     225       42993 :                 size_t ISyIIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     226       42993 :                 size_t ISevIIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity});
     227       42993 :                 size_t ICrIIj = this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity});
     228             : 
     229             :                 size_t INSIICj =
     230       42993 :                     this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     231             :                 size_t ISyIICj =
     232       42993 :                     this->populations.get_flat_index({j, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     233             : 
     234             :                 // effective contact rate by contact rate between groups i and j and damping j
     235       42993 :                 FP season_val =
     236       42993 :                     (1 + params.template get<Seasonality<FP>>() *
     237       42993 :                              sin(3.141592653589793 * ((params.template get<StartDay>() + t) / 182.5 + 0.5)));
     238       85986 :                 FP cont_freq_eff = season_val * contact_matrix.get_matrix_at(t)(static_cast<Eigen::Index>((size_t)i),
     239       42993 :                                                                                 static_cast<Eigen::Index>((size_t)j));
     240             :                 // without died people
     241       42993 :                 FP Nj = pop[SNj] + pop[ENj] + pop[INSNj] + pop[ISyNj] + pop[ISevNj] + pop[ICrNj] + pop[INSNCj] +
     242       42993 :                         pop[ISyNCj] + pop[SPIj] + pop[EPIj] + pop[INSPIj] + pop[ISyPIj] + pop[ISevPIj] + pop[ICrPIj] +
     243       42993 :                         pop[INSPICj] + pop[ISyPICj] + pop[SIIj] + pop[EIIj] + pop[INSIIj] + pop[ISyIIj] + pop[ISevIIj] +
     244       42993 :                         pop[ICrIIj] + pop[INSIICj] + pop[ISyIICj];
     245       42993 :                 const FP divNj = (Nj < Limits<ScalarType>::zero_tolerance()) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / Nj;
     246             : 
     247       42993 :                 FP ext_inf_force_dummy = cont_freq_eff * divNj *
     248       42993 :                                          params.template get<TransmissionProbabilityOnContact<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)i] *
     249       42993 :                                          (riskFromInfectedNoSymptoms * (pop[INSNj] + pop[INSPIj] + pop[INSIIj]) +
     250       42993 :                                           riskFromInfectedSymptomatic * (pop[ISyNj] + pop[ISyPIj] + pop[ISyIIj]));
     251             : 
     252       42993 :                 FP dummy_SN = y[SNi] * ext_inf_force_dummy;
     253             : 
     254       42993 :                 FP dummy_SPI = y[SPIi] * reducExposedPartialImmunity * ext_inf_force_dummy;
     255             : 
     256       42993 :                 FP dummy_SII = y[SIIi] * reducExposedImprovedImmunity * ext_inf_force_dummy;
     257             : 
     258       85986 :                 flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::SusceptibleNaive,
     259       42993 :                                                          InfectionState::ExposedNaive>({i})] += dummy_SN;
     260       85986 :                 flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::SusceptiblePartialImmunity,
     261       42993 :                                                          InfectionState::ExposedPartialImmunity>({i})] += dummy_SPI;
     262       85986 :                 flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity,
     263       42993 :                                                          InfectionState::ExposedImprovedImmunity>({i})] += dummy_SII;
     264             :             }
     265             : 
     266             :             // ICU capacity shortage is close
     267             :             // TODO: if this is used with vaccination model, it has to be adapted if CriticalPerSevere
     268             :             // is different for different vaccination status. This is not the case here and in addition, ICUCapacity
     269             :             // is set to infinity and this functionality is deactivated, so this is OK for the moment.
     270       50247 :             double criticalPerSevereAdjusted = smoother_cosine(
     271       33498 :                 icu_occupancy, 0.90 * params.template get<ICUCapacity<FP>>(), params.template get<ICUCapacity<FP>>(),
     272       16749 :                 params.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i], 0);
     273             : 
     274       16749 :             FP deathsPerSevereAdjusted = params.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i] - criticalPerSevereAdjusted;
     275             : 
     276             :             /**** path of immune-naive ***/
     277             :             // Exposed
     278       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::ExposedNaive,
     279       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive>({i})] +=
     280       16749 :                 y[ENi] / params.template get<TimeExposed<FP>>()[i];
     281             : 
     282             :             // InfectedNoSymptoms
     283       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive,
     284       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     285       33498 :                 params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     286       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[INSNi];
     287       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive,
     288       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive>({i})] =
     289       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     290       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[INSNi];
     291       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,
     292       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed>({i})] =
     293       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     294       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[INSNCi];
     295       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,
     296       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     297       33498 :                 params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     298       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[INSNCi];
     299             : 
     300             :             // InfectedSymptoms
     301       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive,
     302       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive>({i})] =
     303       33498 :                 params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     304       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[ISyNi];
     305             : 
     306       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive,
     307       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     308       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     309       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[ISyNi];
     310             : 
     311       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,
     312       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive>({i})] =
     313       33498 :                 params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     314       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[ISyNCi];
     315             : 
     316       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed,
     317       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     318       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     319       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * y[ISyNCi];
     320             : 
     321             :             // InfectedSevere
     322       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive,
     323       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive>({i})] =
     324       16749 :                 criticalPerSevereAdjusted / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevNi];
     325             : 
     326       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive,
     327       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     328       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i]) /
     329       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevNi];
     330             : 
     331       16749 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevereNaive, InfectionState::DeadNaive>(
     332       33498 :                 {i})] = deathsPerSevereAdjusted / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevNi];
     333             : 
     334             :             // InfectedCritical
     335       16749 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive, InfectionState::DeadNaive>(
     336       50247 :                 {i})] = params.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[i] /
     337       33498 :                         params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[i] * y[ICrNi];
     338             : 
     339       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalNaive,
     340       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     341       33498 :                 (1 - params.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[i]) /
     342       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[i] * y[ICrNi];
     343             : 
     344             :             // /**** path of partially immune (e.g., one dose of vaccination) ***/
     345             :             // Exposed
     346       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::ExposedPartialImmunity,
     347       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity>({i})] +=
     348       16749 :                 y[EPIi] / params.template get<TimeExposed<FP>>()[i];
     349             : 
     350             :             // InfectedNoSymptoms
     351       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity,
     352       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     353       33498 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity / reducExposedPartialImmunity) *
     354       16749 :                          (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i])) /
     355       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSPIi];
     356       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity,
     357       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity>({i})] =
     358       33498 :                 (reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity / reducExposedPartialImmunity) *
     359       16749 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     360       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSPIi];
     361       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,
     362       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed>({i})] =
     363       33498 :                 (reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity / reducExposedPartialImmunity) *
     364       16749 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     365       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSPICi];
     366       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,
     367       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     368       33498 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity / reducExposedPartialImmunity) *
     369       16749 :                          (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i])) /
     370       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSPICi];
     371             : 
     372             :             // InfectedSymptoms
     373       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity,
     374       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity>({i})] =
     375       16749 :                 reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity *
     376       16749 :                 params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     377       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyPIi];
     378             : 
     379       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity,
     380       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     381       16749 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity) *
     382       16749 :                          params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     383       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyPIi];
     384             : 
     385       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,
     386       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity>({i})] =
     387       16749 :                 reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity *
     388       16749 :                 params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     389       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyPICi];
     390             : 
     391       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed,
     392       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     393       16749 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity) *
     394       16749 :                          params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     395       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyPICi];
     396             : 
     397             :             // InfectedSevere
     398       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity,
     399       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity>({i})] =
     400       16749 :                 reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity *
     401       16749 :                 criticalPerSevereAdjusted / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevPIi];
     402             : 
     403       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity,
     404       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     405       16749 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity) *
     406       33498 :                          params.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i]) /
     407       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevPIi];
     408             : 
     409       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSeverePartialImmunity,
     410       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::DeadPartialImmunity>({i})] =
     411       16749 :                 (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity) *
     412       16749 :                 deathsPerSevereAdjusted / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevPIi];
     413             : 
     414             :             // InfectedCritical
     415       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity,
     416       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::DeadPartialImmunity>({i})] =
     417       16749 :                 (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity) *
     418       33498 :                 params.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[i] / params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[i] *
     419       16749 :                 y[ICrPIi];
     420             : 
     421       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalPartialImmunity,
     422       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     423       16749 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadPartialImmunity) *
     424       33498 :                          params.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[i]) /
     425       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[i] * y[ICrPIi];
     426             : 
     427             :             // /**** path of twice vaccinated, here called immune although reinfection is possible now ***/
     428             :             // Exposed
     429       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::ExposedImprovedImmunity,
     430       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity>({i})] +=
     431       16749 :                 y[EIIi] / params.template get<TimeExposed<FP>>()[i];
     432             : 
     433             :             // InfectedNoSymptoms
     434       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity,
     435       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     436       33498 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity / reducExposedImprovedImmunity) *
     437       16749 :                          (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i])) /
     438       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSIIi];
     439       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity,
     440       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     441       33498 :                 (reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity / reducExposedImprovedImmunity) *
     442       16749 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     443       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSIIi];
     444       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed,
     445       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed>({i})] =
     446       33498 :                 (reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity / reducExposedImprovedImmunity) *
     447       16749 :                 (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     448       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSIICi];
     449       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed,
     450       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     451       33498 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity / reducExposedImprovedImmunity) *
     452       16749 :                          (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i])) /
     453       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[INSIICi];
     454             : 
     455             :             // InfectedSymptoms
     456       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity,
     457       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     458       16749 :                 reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity *
     459       16749 :                 params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     460       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyIIi];
     461             : 
     462       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity,
     463       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     464       16749 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity) *
     465       16749 :                          params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     466       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyIIi];
     467             : 
     468       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed,
     469       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     470       16749 :                 reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity *
     471       16749 :                 params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] /
     472       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyIICi];
     473             : 
     474       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed,
     475       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     476       16749 :                 (1 - (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity) *
     477       16749 :                          params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]) /
     478       16749 :                 (params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i] * reducTimeInfectedMild) * y[ISyIICi];
     479             : 
     480             :             // InfectedSevere
     481       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity,
     482       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     483       16749 :                 reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity *
     484       16749 :                 criticalPerSevereAdjusted / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevIIi];
     485             : 
     486       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity,
     487       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     488       16749 :                 (1 -
     489       16749 :                  (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity) *
     490       33498 :                      params.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i]) /
     491       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevIIi];
     492             : 
     493       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevereImprovedImmunity,
     494       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::DeadImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     495       16749 :                 (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity) *
     496       16749 :                 deathsPerSevereAdjusted / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[i] * y[ISevIIi];
     497             : 
     498             :             // InfectedCritical
     499       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity,
     500       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::DeadImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     501       16749 :                 (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity) *
     502       33498 :                 params.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[i] / params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[i] *
     503       16749 :                 y[ICrIIi];
     504             : 
     505       33498 :             flows[this->template get_flat_flow_index<InfectionState::InfectedCriticalImprovedImmunity,
     506       16749 :                                                      InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity>({i})] =
     507       16749 :                 (1 -
     508       16749 :                  (reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity / reducInfectedSevereCriticalDeadImprovedImmunity) *
     509       33498 :                      params.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[i]) /
     510       33498 :                 params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[i] * y[ICrIIi];
     511             :         }
     512        6921 :     }
     513             : 
     514             :     /**
     515             :     * serialize this. 
     516             :     * @see mio::serialize
     517             :     */
     518             :     template <class IOContext>
     519           1 :     void serialize(IOContext& io) const
     520             :     {
     521           3 :         auto obj = io.create_object("Model");
     522           1 :         obj.add_element("Parameters", this->parameters);
     523           1 :         obj.add_element("Populations", this->populations);
     524           2 :     }
     525             : 
     526             :     /**
     527             :     * deserialize an object of this class.
     528             :     * @see mio::deserialize
     529             :     */
     530             :     template <class IOContext>
     531           1 :     static IOResult<Model> deserialize(IOContext& io)
     532             :     {
     533           3 :         auto obj = io.expect_object("Model");
     534           3 :         auto par = obj.expect_element("Parameters", Tag<ParameterSet>{});
     535           3 :         auto pop = obj.expect_element("Populations", Tag<Populations>{});
     536             :         return apply(
     537             :             io,
     538           1 :             [](auto&& par_, auto&& pop_) {
     539           1 :                 return Model{pop_, par_};
     540             :             },
     541           2 :             par, pop);
     542           1 :     }
     543             : };
     544             : 
     545             : //forward declaration, see below.
     546             : template <typename FP = ScalarType, class Base = mio::Simulation<FP, Model<FP>>>
     547             : class Simulation;
     548             : 
     549             : /**
     550             : * get percentage of infections per total population.
     551             : * @param model the compartment model with initial values.
     552             : * @param t current simulation time.
     553             : * @param y current value of compartments.
     554             : * @tparam Base simulation type that uses a secir compartment model. see Simulation.
     555             : */
     556             : template <typename FP = ScalarType, class Base = mio::Simulation<FP, Model<FP>>>
     557             : FP get_infections_relative(const Simulation<FP, Base>& model, FP t, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<FP>>& y);
     558             : 
     559             : /**
     560             :  * specialization of compartment model simulation for the SECIRVVS model.
     561             :  * @tparam FP floating point type, e.g., double.
     562             :  * @tparam BaseT simulation type, default mio::Simulation. For testing purposes only!
     563             :  */
     564             : template <typename FP, class BaseT>
     565             : class Simulation : public BaseT
     566             : {
     567             : public:
     568             :     /**
     569             :      * construct a simulation.
     570             :      * @param model the model to simulate.
     571             :      * @param t0 start time
     572             :      * @param dt time steps
     573             :      */
     574          98 :     Simulation(mio::osecirvvs::Model<FP> const& model, FP t0 = 0., FP dt = 0.1)
     575             :         : BaseT(model, t0, dt)
     576          98 :         , m_t_last_npi_check(t0)
     577             :     {
     578          98 :     }
     579             : 
     580             :     /**
     581             :     * @brief Applies the effect of a new variant of a disease to the transmission probability of the model.
     582             :     * 
     583             :     * This function adjusts the transmission probability of the disease for each age group based on the share of the new variant.
     584             :     * The share of the new variant is calculated based on the time `t` and the start day of the new variant.
     585             :     * The transmission probability is then updated for each age group in the model.
     586             :     * 
     587             :     * Based on Equation (35) and (36) in
     588             :     * 
     589             :     * @param [in] t The current time.
     590             :     * @param [in] base_infectiousness The base infectiousness of the old variant for each age group.
     591             :     */
     592         756 :     void apply_variant(const double t, const CustomIndexArray<UncertainValue<FP>, AgeGroup> base_infectiousness)
     593             :     {
     594         756 :         auto start_day             = this->get_model().parameters.template get<StartDay>();
     595         756 :         auto start_day_new_variant = this->get_model().parameters.template get<StartDayNewVariant>();
     596             : 
     597         756 :         if (start_day + t >= start_day_new_variant - 1e-10) {
     598          27 :             const double days_variant      = t - (start_day_new_variant - start_day);
     599          27 :             const double share_new_variant = std::min(1.0, 0.01 * pow(2, (1. / 7) * days_variant));
     600          27 :             const auto num_groups          = this->get_model().parameters.get_num_groups();
     601          54 :             for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < num_groups; ++i) {
     602          27 :                 double new_transmission =
     603          27 :                     (1 - share_new_variant) * base_infectiousness[i] +
     604          27 :                     share_new_variant * base_infectiousness[i] *
     605          27 :                         this->get_model().parameters.template get<InfectiousnessNewVariant<FP>>()[i];
     606          27 :                 this->get_model().parameters.template get<TransmissionProbabilityOnContact<FP>>()[i] = new_transmission;
     607             :             }
     608             :         }
     609         756 :     }
     610             : 
     611         654 :     void apply_vaccination(double t)
     612             :     {
     613         654 :         auto t_idx        = SimulationDay((size_t)t);
     614         654 :         auto& params      = this->get_model().parameters;
     615         654 :         size_t num_groups = (size_t)params.get_num_groups();
     616         654 :         auto last_value   = this->get_result().get_last_value();
     617             : 
     618         654 :         auto count = (size_t)InfectionState::Count;
     619         654 :         auto S     = (size_t)InfectionState::SusceptibleNaive;
     620         654 :         auto SV    = (size_t)InfectionState::SusceptiblePartialImmunity;
     621         654 :         auto R     = (size_t)InfectionState::SusceptibleImprovedImmunity;
     622             : 
     623        2118 :         for (size_t i = 0; i < num_groups; ++i) {
     624             : 
     625        1464 :             double first_vacc;
     626        1464 :             double full_vacc;
     627        1464 :             if (t_idx == SimulationDay(0)) {
     628           0 :                 first_vacc = params.template get<DailyPartialVaccinations<FP>>()[{(AgeGroup)i, t_idx}];
     629           0 :                 full_vacc  = params.template get<DailyFullVaccinations<FP>>()[{(AgeGroup)i, t_idx}];
     630             :             }
     631             :             else {
     632        1464 :                 first_vacc =
     633        2928 :                     params.template get<DailyPartialVaccinations<FP>>()[{(AgeGroup)i, t_idx}] -
     634        1464 :                     params.template get<DailyPartialVaccinations<FP>>()[{(AgeGroup)i, t_idx - SimulationDay(1)}];
     635        2928 :                 full_vacc = params.template get<DailyFullVaccinations<FP>>()[{(AgeGroup)i, t_idx}] -
     636        1464 :                             params.template get<DailyFullVaccinations<FP>>()[{(AgeGroup)i, t_idx - SimulationDay(1)}];
     637             :             }
     638             : 
     639        1464 :             if (last_value(count * i + S) - first_vacc < 0) {
     640           0 :                 auto corrected = 0.99 * last_value(count * i + S);
     641           0 :                 log_warning("too many first vaccinated at time {}: setting first_vacc from {} to {}", t, first_vacc,
     642             :                             corrected);
     643           0 :                 first_vacc = corrected;
     644             :             }
     645             : 
     646        1464 :             last_value(count * i + S) -= first_vacc;
     647        1464 :             last_value(count * i + SV) += first_vacc;
     648             : 
     649        1464 :             if (last_value(count * i + SV) - full_vacc < 0) {
     650           0 :                 auto corrected = 0.99 * last_value(count * i + SV);
     651           0 :                 log_warning("too many fully vaccinated at time {}: setting full_vacc from {} to {}", t, full_vacc,
     652             :                             corrected);
     653           0 :                 full_vacc = corrected;
     654             :             }
     655             : 
     656        1464 :             last_value(count * i + SV) -= full_vacc;
     657        1464 :             last_value(count * i + R) += full_vacc;
     658             :         }
     659         654 :     }
     660             : 
     661             :     /**
     662             :      * @brief advance simulation to tmax.
     663             :      * Overwrites Simulation::advance and includes a check for dynamic NPIs in regular intervals.
     664             :      * @see Simulation::advance
     665             :      * @param tmax next stopping point of simulation
     666             :      * @return value at tmax
     667             :      */
     668          71 :     Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorX<FP>> advance(FP tmax)
     669             :     {
     670          71 :         auto& t_end_dyn_npis   = this->get_model().parameters.get_end_dynamic_npis();
     671          71 :         auto& dyn_npis         = this->get_model().parameters.template get<DynamicNPIsInfectedSymptoms<FP>>();
     672          71 :         auto& contact_patterns = this->get_model().parameters.template get<ContactPatterns<FP>>();
     673             :         // const size_t num_groups = (size_t)this->get_model().parameters.get_num_groups();
     674             : 
     675             :         // in the apply_variant function, we adjust the TransmissionProbabilityOnContact parameter. We need to store
     676             :         // the base value to use it in the apply_variant function and also to reset the parameter after the simulation.
     677          71 :         auto base_infectiousness = this->get_model().parameters.template get<TransmissionProbabilityOnContact<FP>>();
     678             : 
     679             :         ScalarType delay_npi_implementation;
     680          71 :         auto t        = BaseT::get_result().get_last_time();
     681          71 :         const auto dt = dyn_npis.get_thresholds().size() > 0 ? dyn_npis.get_interval().get() : tmax;
     682         734 :         while (t < tmax) {
     683             : 
     684         663 :             auto dt_eff = std::min({dt, tmax - t, m_t_last_npi_check + dt - t});
     685         663 :             if (dt_eff >= 1.0) {
     686         654 :                 dt_eff = 1.0;
     687             :             }
     688             : 
     689         663 :             if (t == 0) {
     690             :                 //this->apply_vaccination(t); // done in init now?
     691          57 :                 this->apply_variant(t, base_infectiousness);
     692             :             }
     693         663 :             BaseT::advance(t + dt_eff);
     694         663 :             if (t + 0.5 + dt_eff - std::floor(t + 0.5) >= 1) {
     695         654 :                 this->apply_vaccination(t + 0.5 + dt_eff);
     696         654 :                 this->apply_variant(t, base_infectiousness);
     697             :             }
     698             : 
     699         663 :             if (t > 0) {
     700         606 :                 delay_npi_implementation =
     701         606 :                     this->get_model().parameters.template get<DynamicNPIsImplementationDelay<FP>>();
     702             :             }
     703             :             else { // DynamicNPIs for t=0 are 'misused' to be from-start NPIs. I.e., do not enforce delay.
     704          57 :                 delay_npi_implementation = 0;
     705             :             }
     706         663 :             t = t + dt_eff;
     707             : 
     708         663 :             if (dyn_npis.get_thresholds().size() > 0) {
     709         645 :                 if (floating_point_greater_equal(t, m_t_last_npi_check + dt)) {
     710         215 :                     if (t < t_end_dyn_npis) {
     711         178 :                         auto inf_rel = get_infections_relative<FP>(*this, t, this->get_result().get_last_value()) *
     712          89 :                                        dyn_npis.get_base_value();
     713          89 :                         auto exceeded_threshold = dyn_npis.get_max_exceeded_threshold(inf_rel);
     714         171 :                         if (exceeded_threshold != dyn_npis.get_thresholds().end() &&
     715         118 :                             (exceeded_threshold->first > m_dynamic_npi.first ||
     716          36 :                              t > ScalarType(m_dynamic_npi.second))) { //old npi was weaker or is expired
     717             : 
     718          46 :                             auto t_start = SimulationTime(t + delay_npi_implementation);
     719          46 :                             auto t_end   = t_start + SimulationTime(dyn_npis.get_duration());
     720          46 :                             this->get_model().parameters.get_start_commuter_detection() = (ScalarType)t_start;
     721          46 :                             this->get_model().parameters.get_end_commuter_detection()   = (ScalarType)t_end;
     722          46 :                             m_dynamic_npi = std::make_pair(exceeded_threshold->first, t_end);
     723          46 :                             implement_dynamic_npis(contact_patterns.get_cont_freq_mat(), exceeded_threshold->second,
     724          46 :                                                    t_start, t_end, [](auto& g) {
     725          46 :                                                        return make_contact_damping_matrix(g);
     726             :                                                    });
     727             :                         }
     728             :                     }
     729         215 :                     m_t_last_npi_check = t;
     730             :                 }
     731             :             }
     732             :             else {
     733          18 :                 m_t_last_npi_check = t;
     734             :             }
     735             :         }
     736             :         // reset TransmissionProbabilityOnContact. This is important for the graph simulation where the advance
     737             :         // function is called multiple times for the same model.
     738          71 :         this->get_model().parameters.template get<TransmissionProbabilityOnContact<FP>>() = base_infectiousness;
     739             : 
     740         142 :         return this->get_result().get_last_value();
     741          71 :     }
     742             : 
     743             : private:
     744             :     double m_t_last_npi_check;
     745             :     std::pair<double, SimulationTime> m_dynamic_npi = {-std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), SimulationTime(0)};
     746             : };
     747             : 
     748             : /**
     749             :  * @brief Specialization of simulate for SECIRVVS models using Simulation.
     750             :  * 
     751             :  * @tparam FP floating point type, e.g., double.
     752             :  * @param[in] t0 start time.
     753             :  * @param[in] tmax end time.
     754             :  * @param[in] dt time step.
     755             :  * @param[in] model SECIRVVS model to simulate.
     756             :  * @param[in] integrator optional integrator, uses rk45 if nullptr.
     757             :  * 
     758             :  * @return Returns the result of the simulation.
     759             :  */
     760             : template <typename FP = ScalarType>
     761          27 : inline auto simulate(FP t0, FP tmax, FP dt, const Model<FP>& model,
     762             :                      std::shared_ptr<IntegratorCore<FP>> integrator = nullptr)
     763             : {
     764          27 :     return mio::simulate<FP, Model<FP>, Simulation<FP>>(t0, tmax, dt, model, integrator);
     765             : }
     766             : 
     767             : /**
     768             :  * @brief Specialization of simulate for SECIRVVS models using the FlowSimulation.
     769             :  * 
     770             :  * @tparam FP floating point type, e.g., double.
     771             :  * @param[in] t0 start time.
     772             :  * @param[in] tmax end time.
     773             :  * @param[in] dt time step.
     774             :  * @param[in] model SECIRVVS model to simulate.
     775             :  * @param[in] integrator optional integrator, uses rk45 if nullptr.
     776             :  * 
     777             :  * @return Returns the result of the Flowsimulation.
     778             :   */
     779             : template <typename FP = ScalarType>
     780             : inline auto simulate_flows(FP t0, FP tmax, FP dt, const Model<FP>& model,
     781             :                            std::shared_ptr<IntegratorCore<FP>> integrator = nullptr)
     782             : {
     783             :     return mio::simulate_flows<FP, Model<FP>, Simulation<FP, mio::FlowSimulation<FP, Model<FP>>>>(t0, tmax, dt, model,
     784             :                                                                                                   integrator);
     785             : }
     786             : 
     787             : //see declaration above.
     788             : template <typename FP, class Base>
     789          98 : FP get_infections_relative(const Simulation<FP, Base>& sim, FP /*t*/, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<FP>>& y)
     790             : {
     791          98 :     FP sum_inf = 0;
     792         286 :     for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < sim.get_model().parameters.get_num_groups(); ++i) {
     793         188 :         sum_inf += sim.get_model().populations.get_from(y, {i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive});
     794         188 :         sum_inf += sim.get_model().populations.get_from(y, {i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     795         188 :         sum_inf += sim.get_model().populations.get_from(y, {i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     796         188 :         sum_inf += sim.get_model().populations.get_from(y, {i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     797         188 :         sum_inf +=
     798         188 :             sim.get_model().populations.get_from(y, {i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     799         188 :         sum_inf +=
     800         188 :             sim.get_model().populations.get_from(y, {i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     801             :     }
     802          98 :     auto inf_rel = sum_inf / sim.get_model().populations.get_total();
     803             : 
     804          98 :     return inf_rel;
     805             : }
     806             : 
     807             : /**
     808             :  * Get mobility factors.
     809             :  * Used by mobility graph simulation.
     810             :  * Like infection risk, mobility of infected individuals is reduced if they are well isolated.
     811             :  * @param model the compartment model with initial values.
     812             :  * @param t current simulation time.
     813             :  * @param y current value of compartments.
     814             :  * @return vector expression, same size as y, with mobility factors per compartment.
     815             :  * @tparam Base simulation type that uses a secir compartment model. see Simulation.
     816             :  */
     817             : template <typename FP = double, class Base = mio::Simulation<Model<FP>, FP>>
     818           9 : auto get_mobility_factors(const Simulation<Base>& sim, FP /*t*/, const Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<FP>>& y)
     819             : 
     820             : {
     821           9 :     auto& params = sim.get_model().parameters;
     822             :     //parameters as arrays
     823           9 :     auto& p_asymp   = params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>().array().template cast<FP>();
     824           9 :     auto& p_inf     = params.template get<RiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic<FP>>().array().template cast<FP>();
     825           9 :     auto& p_inf_max = params.template get<MaxRiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic<FP>>().array().template cast<FP>();
     826             :     //slice of InfectedNoSymptoms
     827          54 :     auto y_INS = slice(y, {Eigen::Index(InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive),
     828          18 :                            Eigen::Index(size_t(params.get_num_groups())), Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Count)}) +
     829             :                  slice(y, {Eigen::Index(InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity),
     830          18 :                            Eigen::Index(size_t(params.get_num_groups())), Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Count)}) +
     831             :                  slice(y, {Eigen::Index(InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity),
     832          18 :                            Eigen::Index(size_t(params.get_num_groups())), Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Count)});
     833             : 
     834             :     //compute isolation, same as infection risk from main model
     835           9 :     auto test_and_trace_required =
     836          27 :         ((1 - p_asymp) / params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>().array().template cast<double>() *
     837             :          y_INS.array())
     838          36 :             .sum();
     839          36 :     auto riskFromInfectedSymptomatic =
     840           9 :         smoother_cosine(test_and_trace_required, double(params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacity<FP>>()),
     841          18 :                         params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacity<FP>>() *
     842           9 :                             params.template get<TestAndTraceCapacityMaxRiskSymptoms<FP>>(),
     843             :                         p_inf.matrix(), p_inf_max.matrix());
     844             : 
     845             :     //set factor for infected
     846           9 :     auto factors = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(y.rows()).eval();
     847          27 :     slice(factors, {Eigen::Index(InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive), Eigen::Index(size_t(params.get_num_groups())),
     848             :                     Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Count)})
     849          18 :         .array() = riskFromInfectedSymptomatic;
     850           9 :     slice(factors, {Eigen::Index(InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity),
     851          18 :                     Eigen::Index(size_t(params.get_num_groups())), Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Count)})
     852          18 :         .array() = riskFromInfectedSymptomatic;
     853           9 :     slice(factors, {Eigen::Index(InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity),
     854          18 :                     Eigen::Index(size_t(params.get_num_groups())), Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Count)})
     855          18 :         .array() = riskFromInfectedSymptomatic;
     856          18 :     return factors;
     857           9 : }
     858             : 
     859             : template <typename FP = double, class Base = mio::Simulation<Model<FP>, FP>>
     860           9 : auto test_commuters(Simulation<FP, Base>& sim, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorX<FP>> mobile_population, FP time)
     861             : {
     862           9 :     auto& model       = sim.get_model();
     863           9 :     auto nondetection = 1.0;
     864          18 :     if (time >= model.parameters.get_start_commuter_detection() &&
     865           9 :         time < model.parameters.get_end_commuter_detection()) {
     866           9 :         nondetection = (double)model.parameters.get_commuter_nondetection();
     867             :     }
     868          27 :     for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < model.parameters.get_num_groups(); ++i) {
     869          18 :         auto ISyNi  = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaive});
     870          18 :         auto ISyNCi = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     871          18 :         auto INSNi  = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaive});
     872          18 :         auto INSNCi = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsNaiveConfirmed});
     873             : 
     874          18 :         auto ISPIi  = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     875          18 :         auto ISPICi = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     876          18 :         auto INSPIi = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunity});
     877             :         auto INSPICi =
     878          18 :             model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsPartialImmunityConfirmed});
     879             : 
     880          18 :         auto ISyIIi  = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     881          18 :         auto ISyIICi = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     882          18 :         auto INSIIi  = model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunity});
     883             :         auto INSIICi =
     884          18 :             model.populations.get_flat_index({i, InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsImprovedImmunityConfirmed});
     885             : 
     886             :         //put detected commuters in their own compartment so they don't contribute to infections in their home node
     887          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[ISyNi] -= mobile_population[ISyNi] * (1 - nondetection);
     888          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[ISyNCi] += mobile_population[ISyNi] * (1 - nondetection);
     889          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[INSNi] -= mobile_population[INSNi] * (1 - nondetection);
     890          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[INSNCi] += mobile_population[INSNi] * (1 - nondetection);
     891             : 
     892          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[ISPIi] -= mobile_population[ISPIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     893          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[ISPICi] += mobile_population[ISPIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     894          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[INSPIi] -= mobile_population[INSPIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     895          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[INSPICi] += mobile_population[INSPIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     896             : 
     897          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[ISyIIi] -= mobile_population[ISyIIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     898          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[ISyIICi] += mobile_population[ISyIIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     899          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[INSIIi] -= mobile_population[INSIIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     900          18 :         sim.get_result().get_last_value()[INSIICi] += mobile_population[INSIIi] * (1 - nondetection);
     901             : 
     902             :         //reduce the number of commuters
     903          18 :         mobile_population[ISyNi] *= nondetection;
     904          18 :         mobile_population[INSNi] *= nondetection;
     905             : 
     906          18 :         mobile_population[ISPIi] *= nondetection;
     907          18 :         mobile_population[INSPIi] *= nondetection;
     908             : 
     909          18 :         mobile_population[ISyIIi] *= nondetection;
     910          18 :         mobile_population[INSIIi] *= nondetection;
     911             :     }
     912           9 : }
     913             : 
     914             : } // namespace osecirvvs
     915             : } // namespace mio
     916             : 
     917             : #endif //MIO_ODE_SECIRVVS_MODEL_H

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