LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - models/ode_secir - parameters_io.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 143 149 96.0 %
Date: 2025-02-17 13:46:44 Functions: 10 10 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* 
       2             : * Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
       3             : *
       4             : * Authors: Wadim Koslow, Daniel Abele, Martin J. Kuehn, Lena Ploetzke
       5             : *
       6             : * Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
       7             : *
       8             : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       9             : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      10             : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      11             : *
      12             : *
      13             : *
      14             : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      15             : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      16             : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      17             : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      18             : * limitations under the License.
      19             : */
      20             : #ifndef ODESECIR_PARAMETERS_IO_H
      21             : #define ODESECIR_PARAMETERS_IO_H
      22             : 
      23             : #include "memilio/config.h"
      24             : #include <cassert>
      25             : 
      26             : #ifdef MEMILIO_HAS_JSONCPP
      27             : 
      28             : #include "ode_secir/model.h"
      29             : #include "memilio/io/epi_data.h"
      30             : #include "memilio/io/result_io.h"
      31             : 
      32             : namespace mio
      33             : {
      34             : 
      35             : namespace osecir
      36             : {
      37             : 
      38             : namespace details
      39             : {
      40             : /**
      41             :      * @brief reads populations data from RKI.
      42             :      * @param[in] rki_data Vector of ConfirmedCasesDataEntry%s.
      43             :      * @param[in] vregion Vector of keys of the region of interest.
      44             :      * @param[in] date Date at which the data is read.
      45             :      * @param[in, out] vnum_* Output vector for number of people in the corresponding compartement.
      46             :      * @param[in] vt_* vector Average time it takes to get from one compartement to another for each age group.
      47             :      * @param[in] vmu_* vector Probabilities to get from one compartement to another for each age group.
      48             :      * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
      49             :      */
      50             : IOResult<void> read_confirmed_cases_data(
      51             :     std::vector<ConfirmedCasesDataEntry>& rki_data, std::vector<int> const& vregion, Date date,
      52             :     std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_Exposed, std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_InfectedNoSymptoms,
      53             :     std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_InfectedSymptoms, std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_InfectedSevere,
      54             :     std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_icu, std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_death,
      55             :     std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vnum_rec, const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vt_Exposed,
      56             :     const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vt_InfectedNoSymptoms,
      57             :     const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vt_InfectedSymptoms, const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vt_InfectedSevere,
      58             :     const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& vt_InfectedCritical, const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vmu_C_R,
      59             :     const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vmu_I_H, const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& vmu_H_U,
      60             :     const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf);
      61             : 
      62             : /**
      63             :  * @brief Sets populations data from already read case data with multiple age groups into a Model with one age group.
      64             :  * @tparam FP Floating point data type, e.g., double.
      65             :  * @param[in, out] model Vector of models in which the data is set.
      66             :  * @param[in] case_data List of confirmed cases data entries.
      67             :  * @param[in] region Vector of keys of the region of interest.
      68             :  * @param[in] date Date at which the data is read.
      69             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
      70             :  */
      71             : template <typename FP = double>
      72          97 : IOResult<void> set_confirmed_cases_data(std::vector<Model<FP>>& model, std::vector<ConfirmedCasesDataEntry>& case_data,
      73             :                                         const std::vector<int>& region, Date date,
      74             :                                         const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf)
      75             : {
      76          97 :     const size_t num_age_groups = ConfirmedCasesDataEntry::age_group_names.size();
      77          97 :     assert(scaling_factor_inf.size() == num_age_groups);
      78             : 
      79         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<int>> t_InfectedNoSymptoms{model.size()};
      80         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<int>> t_Exposed{model.size()};
      81         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<int>> t_InfectedSymptoms{model.size()};
      82         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<int>> t_InfectedSevere{model.size()};
      83         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<int>> t_InfectedCritical{model.size()};
      84             : 
      85         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> mu_C_R{model.size()};
      86         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> mu_I_H{model.size()};
      87         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> mu_H_U{model.size()};
      88         194 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> mu_U_D{model.size()};
      89             : 
      90         194 :     for (size_t node = 0; node < model.size(); ++node) {
      91         679 :         for (size_t group = 0; group < num_age_groups; group++) {
      92             : 
      93        1164 :             t_Exposed[node].push_back(
      94        1164 :                 static_cast<int>(std::round(model[node].parameters.template get<TimeExposed<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group])));
      95        1164 :             t_InfectedNoSymptoms[node].push_back(static_cast<int>(
      96        1164 :                 std::round(model[node].parameters.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group])));
      97        1164 :             t_InfectedSymptoms[node].push_back(static_cast<int>(
      98        1164 :                 std::round(model[node].parameters.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group])));
      99        1164 :             t_InfectedSevere[node].push_back(static_cast<int>(
     100        1164 :                 std::round(model[node].parameters.template get<TimeInfectedSevere<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group])));
     101        1164 :             t_InfectedCritical[node].push_back(static_cast<int>(
     102        1164 :                 std::round(model[node].parameters.template get<TimeInfectedCritical<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group])));
     103             : 
     104        1164 :             mu_C_R[node].push_back(
     105        1164 :                 model[node].parameters.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group]);
     106        1164 :             mu_I_H[node].push_back(
     107        1164 :                 model[node].parameters.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group]);
     108         582 :             mu_H_U[node].push_back(model[node].parameters.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group]);
     109         582 :             mu_U_D[node].push_back(model[node].parameters.template get<DeathsPerCritical<FP>>()[(AgeGroup)group]);
     110             :         }
     111             :     }
     112         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_InfectedSymptoms(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     113         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_death(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     114         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_rec(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     115         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_Exposed(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     116         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_InfectedNoSymptoms(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     117         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_InfectedSevere(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     118         388 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> num_icu(model.size(), std::vector<double>(num_age_groups, 0.0));
     119             : 
     120          97 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(read_confirmed_cases_data(case_data, region, date, num_Exposed, num_InfectedNoSymptoms,
     121             :                                                 num_InfectedSymptoms, num_InfectedSevere, num_icu, num_death, num_rec,
     122             :                                                 t_Exposed, t_InfectedNoSymptoms, t_InfectedSymptoms, t_InfectedSevere,
     123             :                                                 t_InfectedCritical, mu_C_R, mu_I_H, mu_H_U, scaling_factor_inf));
     124             : 
     125         194 :     for (size_t node = 0; node < model.size(); node++) {
     126          97 :         if (std::accumulate(num_InfectedSymptoms[node].begin(), num_InfectedSymptoms[node].end(), 0.0) > 0) {
     127          79 :             size_t num_groups = (size_t)model[node].parameters.get_num_groups();
     128         553 :             for (size_t i = 0; i < num_groups; i++) {
     129         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::Exposed}] = num_Exposed[node][i];
     130         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptoms}] =
     131             :                     num_InfectedNoSymptoms[node][i];
     132         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptomsConfirmed}] = 0;
     133         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::InfectedSymptoms}] =
     134             :                     num_InfectedSymptoms[node][i];
     135         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::InfectedSymptomsConfirmed}] = 0;
     136         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::InfectedSevere}] = num_InfectedSevere[node][i];
     137             :                 // Only set the number of ICU patients here, if the date is not available in the data.
     138         474 :                 if (!is_divi_data_available(date)) {
     139          54 :                     model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::InfectedCritical}] = num_icu[node][i];
     140             :                 }
     141         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::Dead}]      = num_death[node][i];
     142         474 :                 model[node].populations[{AgeGroup(i), InfectionState::Recovered}] = num_rec[node][i];
     143             :             }
     144             :         }
     145             :         else {
     146          18 :             log_warning("No infections reported on date {} for region {}. Population data has not been set.", date,
     147             :                         region[node]);
     148             :         }
     149             :     }
     150         194 :     return success();
     151          97 : }
     152             : 
     153             : /**
     154             :  * @brief Sets the infected population for a given model based on confirmed cases data. Here, we
     155             :  * read the case data from a file.
     156             :  * @tparam FP Floating point data type, e.g., double.
     157             :  * @param[in, out] Vector of models for which the confirmed cases data will be set.
     158             :  * @param[in] path Path to the confirmed cases data file.
     159             :  * @param[in] region Vector of keys of the region of interest.
     160             :  * @param[in] date Date at which the data is read.
     161             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
     162             :  */
     163             : template <typename FP = double>
     164          50 : IOResult<void> set_confirmed_cases_data(std::vector<Model<FP>>& model, const std::string& path,
     165             :                                         std::vector<int> const& region, Date date,
     166             :                                         const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf)
     167             : {
     168          50 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(auto&& case_data, mio::read_confirmed_cases_data(path));
     169          50 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(set_confirmed_cases_data(model, case_data, region, date, scaling_factor_inf));
     170         100 :     return success();
     171          50 : }
     172             : 
     173             : /**
     174             :      * @brief Reads number of ICU patients from DIVI register into Parameters.
     175             :      * @param[in] path Path to DIVI file.
     176             :      * @param[in] vregion Keys of the region of interest.
     177             :      * @param date Date for which we initialize.
     178             :      * @param vnum_icu Number of ICU patients.
     179             :      */
     180             : IOResult<void> read_divi_data(const std::string& path, const std::vector<int>& vregion, Date date,
     181             :                               std::vector<double>& vnum_icu);
     182             : 
     183             : /**
     184             :      * @brief Sets populations data from DIVI register into Model.
     185             :      * @tparam FP floating point data type, e.g., double.
     186             :      * @param[in, out] model Vector of models in which the data is set.
     187             :      * @param[in] path Path to DIVI file.
     188             :      * @param[in] vregion Vector of keys of the regions of interest.
     189             :      * @param[in] date Date for which the arrays are initialized.
     190             :      * @param[in] scaling_factor_icu factor by which to scale the icu cases of divi data.
     191             :      */
     192             : template <typename FP = double>
     193         106 : IOResult<void> set_divi_data(std::vector<Model<FP>>& model, const std::string& path, const std::vector<int>& vregion,
     194             :                              Date date, double scaling_factor_icu)
     195             : {
     196             :     // DIVI dataset will no longer be updated from CW29 2024 on.
     197         106 :     if (!is_divi_data_available(date)) {
     198          36 :         log_warning("No DIVI data available for date: {}. "
     199             :                     "ICU compartment will be set based on Case data.",
     200             :                     date);
     201          72 :         return success();
     202             :     }
     203         140 :     std::vector<double> sum_mu_I_U(vregion.size(), 0);
     204         140 :     std::vector<std::vector<double>> mu_I_U{model.size()};
     205         140 :     for (size_t region = 0; region < vregion.size(); region++) {
     206          70 :         auto num_groups = model[region].parameters.get_num_groups();
     207         490 :         for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < num_groups; i++) {
     208         840 :             sum_mu_I_U[region] += model[region].parameters.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i] *
     209         420 :                                   model[region].parameters.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i];
     210         840 :             mu_I_U[region].push_back(model[region].parameters.template get<CriticalPerSevere<FP>>()[i] *
     211         420 :                                      model[region].parameters.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms<FP>>()[i]);
     212             :         }
     213             :     }
     214         140 :     std::vector<double> num_icu(model.size(), 0.0);
     215          70 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(read_divi_data(path, vregion, date, num_icu));
     216             : 
     217         140 :     for (size_t region = 0; region < vregion.size(); region++) {
     218          70 :         auto num_groups = model[region].parameters.get_num_groups();
     219         490 :         for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < num_groups; i++) {
     220         420 :             model[region].populations[{i, InfectionState::InfectedCritical}] =
     221         420 :                 scaling_factor_icu * num_icu[region] * mu_I_U[region][(size_t)i] / sum_mu_I_U[region];
     222             :         }
     223             :     }
     224             : 
     225         140 :     return success();
     226          70 : }
     227             : 
     228             : /**
     229             :      * @brief Reads population data from census data.
     230             :      * @tparam FP floating point data type, e.g., double.
     231             :      * @param[in] path Path to RKI file.
     232             :      * @param[in] vregion Vector of keys of the regions of interest. 
     233             :      * @param[in] accumulate_age_groups Specifies whether population data should be accumulated to one age group.
     234             :      */
     235             : IOResult<std::vector<std::vector<double>>>
     236             : read_population_data(const std::string& path, const std::vector<int>& vregion, bool accumulate_age_groups = false);
     237             : 
     238             : /**
     239             : * @brief Sets population data from census data which has been read into num_population.
     240             : * @tparam FP floating point data type, e.g., double.
     241             : * @param[in, out] model Vector of models in which the data is set. There should be one model per region.
     242             : * @param[in] num_population Vector of population data. The size should be the same as vregion and model.
     243             : * @param[in] vregion Vector of keys of the regions of interest.
     244             : */
     245             : template <typename FP = double>
     246          88 : IOResult<void> set_population_data(std::vector<Model<FP>>& model,
     247             :                                    const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& num_population,
     248             :                                    const std::vector<int>& vregion)
     249             : {
     250          88 :     assert(num_population.size() == vregion.size());
     251          88 :     assert(model.size() == vregion.size());
     252         176 :     for (size_t region = 0; region < vregion.size(); region++) {
     253          88 :         auto num_groups = model[region].parameters.get_num_groups();
     254         616 :         for (auto i = AgeGroup(0); i < num_groups; i++) {
     255         528 :             model[region].populations.template set_difference_from_group_total<AgeGroup>(
     256             :                 {i, InfectionState::Susceptible}, num_population[region][size_t(i)]);
     257             :         }
     258             :     }
     259         176 :     return success();
     260             : }
     261             : 
     262             : /**
     263             : * @brief Sets population data from census data into a Model.
     264             : * @tparam FP Floating point data type, e.g., double.
     265             : * @param[in, out] model Vector of models in which the data is set.
     266             : * @param[in] path Path to RKI file containing population data.
     267             : * @param[in] vregion Vector of keys of the regions of interest.
     268             : */
     269             : template <typename FP = double>
     270          50 : IOResult<void> set_population_data(std::vector<Model<FP>>& model, const std::string& path,
     271             :                                    const std::vector<int>& vregion)
     272             : {
     273             :     // Specifies whether population data should be accumulated to one age group.
     274          50 :     const bool is_single_age_group = static_cast<size_t>(model[0].parameters.get_num_groups()) == 1;
     275          50 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(const auto&& num_population, read_population_data(path, vregion, is_single_age_group));
     276          50 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(set_population_data(model, num_population, vregion));
     277         100 :     return success();
     278          50 : }
     279             : 
     280             : } //namespace details
     281             : 
     282             : #ifdef MEMILIO_HAS_HDF5
     283             : 
     284             : /**
     285             : * @brief Uses the initialisation method, which uses the reported data to set the initial conditions for the model for a given day. 
     286             : * The initialisation is applied for a predefined number of days and finally saved in a timeseries for each region. In the end,
     287             : * we save the files "Results_rki.h5" and "Results_rki_sum.h5" in the results_dir.
     288             : * Results_rki.h5 contains a time series for each region and Results_rki_sum.h5 contains the sum of all regions.
     289             : * @param[in] models Vector of models in which the data is set. Copy is made to avoid changing the original model.
     290             : * @param[in] results_dir Path to result files.
     291             : * @param[in] region Vector of keys of the region of interest.
     292             : * @param[in] date Date for which the data should be read.
     293             : * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
     294             : * @param[in] scaling_factor_icu Factor by which to scale the icu cases of divi data.
     295             : * @param[in] num_days Number of days to be simulated/initialized.
     296             : * @param[in] divi_data_path Path to DIVI file.
     297             : * @param[in] confirmed_cases_path Path to confirmed cases file.
     298             : * @param[in] population_data_path Path to population data file.
     299             : */
     300             : template <class Model>
     301          19 : IOResult<void> export_input_data_county_timeseries(
     302             :     std::vector<Model> models, const std::string& results_dir, std::vector<int> const& region, Date date,
     303             :     const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf, double scaling_factor_icu, int num_days,
     304             :     const std::string& divi_data_path, const std::string& confirmed_cases_path, const std::string& population_data_path)
     305             : {
     306          19 :     const auto num_age_groups = (size_t)models[0].parameters.get_num_groups();
     307          19 :     assert(scaling_factor_inf.size() == num_age_groups);
     308          19 :     assert(num_age_groups == ConfirmedCasesDataEntry::age_group_names.size());
     309          19 :     assert(models.size() == region.size());
     310          95 :     std::vector<TimeSeries<double>> extrapolated_data(
     311          38 :         region.size(), TimeSeries<double>::zero(num_days + 1, (size_t)InfectionState::Count * num_age_groups));
     312             : 
     313          19 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(auto&& num_population, details::read_population_data(population_data_path, region));
     314          19 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(auto&& case_data, mio::read_confirmed_cases_data(confirmed_cases_path));
     315             : 
     316          95 :     for (int t = 0; t <= num_days; ++t) {
     317          38 :         auto offset_day = offset_date_by_days(date, t);
     318             : 
     319          38 :         BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_divi_data(models, divi_data_path, region, offset_day, scaling_factor_icu));
     320          38 :         BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_confirmed_cases_data(models, case_data, region, offset_day, scaling_factor_inf));
     321          38 :         BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_population_data(models, num_population, region));
     322          76 :         for (size_t r = 0; r < region.size(); r++) {
     323          38 :             extrapolated_data[r][t] = models[r].get_initial_values();
     324             :         }
     325             :     }
     326             : 
     327          38 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(
     328             :         save_result(extrapolated_data, region, (int)num_age_groups, path_join(results_dir, "Results_rki.h5")));
     329             : 
     330          95 :     auto rki_data_sum = sum_nodes(std::vector<std::vector<TimeSeries<double>>>{extrapolated_data});
     331         152 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(
     332             :         save_result({rki_data_sum[0][0]}, {0}, (int)num_age_groups, path_join(results_dir, "Results_rki_sum.h5")));
     333             : 
     334          38 :     return success();
     335          19 : }
     336             : #else
     337             : template <class Model>
     338             : IOResult<void>
     339             : export_input_data_county_timeseries(std::vector<Model> models, const std::string& dir, std::vector<int> const& region,
     340             :                                     Date date, const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf, double scaling_factor_icu,
     341             :                                     int num_days, const std::string& divi_data_path,
     342             :                                     const std::string& confirmed_cases_path, const std::string& population_data_path)
     343             : {
     344             :     mio::log_warning("HDF5 not available. Cannot export time series of extrapolated real data.");
     345             :     return success();
     346             : }
     347             : #endif // MEMILIO_HAS_HDF5
     348             : 
     349             : /**
     350             :  * @brief Reads population data from population files for the whole country.
     351             :  * @param[in, out] model Vector of model in which the data is set.
     352             :  * @param[in] date Date for which the data should be read.
     353             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
     354             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_icu Factor by which to scale the icu cases of divi data.
     355             :  * @param[in] dir Directory of files.
     356             :  */
     357             : template <class Model>
     358           1 : IOResult<void> read_input_data_germany(std::vector<Model>& model, Date date,
     359             :                                        const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf, double scaling_factor_icu,
     360             :                                        const std::string& dir)
     361             : {
     362           4 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(
     363             :         details::set_divi_data(model, path_join(dir, "germany_divi.json"), {0}, date, scaling_factor_icu));
     364           4 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_confirmed_cases_data(model, path_join(dir, "cases_all_age_ma7.json"), {0}, date,
     365             :                                                         scaling_factor_inf));
     366           4 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_population_data(model, path_join(dir, "county_current_population.json"), {0}));
     367           2 :     return success();
     368           1 : }
     369             : 
     370             : /**
     371             :  * @brief Reads population data from population files for the specefied state.
     372             :  * @param[in, out] model Vector of model in which the data is set.
     373             :  * @param[in] date Date for which the data should be read.
     374             :  * @param[in] state Vector of region keys of states of interest.
     375             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
     376             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_icu Factor by which to scale the icu cases of divi data.
     377             :  * @param[in] dir Directory of files.
     378             :  */
     379             : template <class Model>
     380           1 : IOResult<void> read_input_data_state(std::vector<Model>& model, Date date, std::vector<int>& state,
     381             :                                      const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf, double scaling_factor_icu,
     382             :                                      const std::string& dir)
     383             : {
     384             : 
     385           2 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(
     386             :         details::set_divi_data(model, path_join(dir, "state_divi.json"), state, date, scaling_factor_icu));
     387           2 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_confirmed_cases_data(model, path_join(dir, "cases_all_state_age_ma7.json"), state,
     388             :                                                         date, scaling_factor_inf));
     389           2 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_population_data(model, path_join(dir, "county_current_population.json"), state));
     390           2 :     return success();
     391           1 : }
     392             : 
     393             : /**
     394             :  * @brief Reads population data from population files for the specefied county.
     395             :  * @param[in, out] model Vector of model in which the data is set.
     396             :  * @param[in] date Date for which the data should be read.
     397             :  * @param[in] county Vector of region keys of counties of interest.
     398             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf Factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data.
     399             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_icu Factor by which to scale the icu cases of divi data.
     400             :  * @param[in] dir Directory of files.
     401             :  * @param[in] num_days [Default: 0] Number of days to be simulated; required to extrapolate real data.
     402             :  * @param[in] export_time_series [Default: false] If true, reads data for each day of simulation and writes it in the same directory as the input files.
     403             :  */
     404             : template <class Model>
     405          28 : IOResult<void> read_input_data_county(std::vector<Model>& model, Date date, const std::vector<int>& county,
     406             :                                       const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf, double scaling_factor_icu,
     407             :                                       const std::string& dir, int num_days = 0, bool export_time_series = false)
     408             : {
     409          56 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_divi_data(model, path_join(dir, "pydata/Germany", "county_divi_ma7.json"), county,
     410             :                                              date, scaling_factor_icu));
     411          56 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_confirmed_cases_data(
     412             :         model, path_join(dir, "pydata/Germany", "cases_all_county_age_ma7.json"), county, date, scaling_factor_inf));
     413          56 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_population_data(
     414             :         model, path_join(dir, "pydata/Germany", "county_current_population.json"), county));
     415             : 
     416          28 :     if (export_time_series) {
     417             :         // Use only if extrapolated real data is needed for comparison. EXPENSIVE !
     418             :         // Run time equals run time of the previous functions times the num_days !
     419             :         // (This only represents the vectorization of the previous function over all simulation days...)
     420           0 :         log_warning("Exporting time series of extrapolated real data. This may take some minutes. "
     421             :                     "For simulation runs over the same time period, deactivate it.");
     422           0 :         BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(
     423             :             export_input_data_county_timeseries(model, dir, county, date, scaling_factor_inf, scaling_factor_icu,
     424             :                                                 num_days, path_join(dir, "pydata/Germany", "county_divi_ma7.json"),
     425             :                                                 path_join(dir, "pydata/Germany", "cases_all_county_age_ma7.json"),
     426             :                                                 path_join(dir, "pydata/Germany", "county_current_population.json")));
     427           0 :     }
     428          56 :     return success();
     429          28 : }
     430             : 
     431             : /**
     432             :  * @brief reads population data from population files for the specified nodes
     433             :  * @param[in, out] model vector of model in which the data is set
     434             :  * @param[in] date Date for which the data should be read
     435             :  * @param[in] county vector of region keys of interest
     436             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_inf factors by which to scale the confirmed cases of rki data
     437             :  * @param[in] scaling_factor_icu factor by which to scale the icu cases of divi data
     438             :  * @param[in] dir directory of files
     439             :  * @param[in] age_group_names strings specifying age group names
     440             :  */
     441             : template <class Model>
     442          20 : IOResult<void> read_input_data(std::vector<Model>& model, Date date, const std::vector<int>& node_ids,
     443             :                                const std::vector<double>& scaling_factor_inf, double scaling_factor_icu,
     444             :                                const std::string& data_dir, int num_days = 0, bool export_time_series = false)
     445             : {
     446          40 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(
     447             :         details::set_divi_data(model, path_join(data_dir, "critical_cases.json"), node_ids, date, scaling_factor_icu));
     448          40 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_confirmed_cases_data(model, path_join(data_dir, "confirmed_cases.json"), node_ids,
     449             :                                                         date, scaling_factor_inf));
     450          40 :     BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(details::set_population_data(model, path_join(data_dir, "population_data.json"), node_ids));
     451             : 
     452          20 :     if (export_time_series) {
     453             :         // Use only if extrapolated real data is needed for comparison. EXPENSIVE !
     454             :         // Run time equals run time of the previous functions times the num_days !
     455             :         // (This only represents the vectorization of the previous function over all simulation days...)
     456           0 :         log_warning("Exporting time series of extrapolated real data. This may take some minutes. "
     457             :                     "For simulation runs over the same time period, deactivate it.");
     458           0 :         BOOST_OUTCOME_TRY(export_input_data_county_timeseries(
     459             :             model, data_dir, node_ids, date, scaling_factor_inf, scaling_factor_icu, num_days,
     460             :             path_join(data_dir, "critical_cases.json"), path_join(data_dir, "confirmed_cases.json"),
     461             :             path_join(data_dir, "population_data.json")));
     462           0 :     }
     463          40 :     return success();
     464          20 : }
     465             : 
     466             : } // namespace osecir
     467             : } // namespace mio
     468             : 
     469             : #endif // MEMILIO_HAS_JSONCPP
     470             : 
     471             : #endif // ODESECIR_PARAMETERS_IO_H

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