LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - models/lct_secir - model.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 131 131 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-17 13:46:44 Functions: 103 243 42.4 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /* 
       2             : * Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
       3             : *
       4             : * Authors: Lena Ploetzke
       5             : *
       6             : * Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
       7             : *
       8             : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       9             : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      10             : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      11             : *
      12             : *
      13             : *
      14             : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      15             : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      16             : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      17             : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      18             : * limitations under the License.
      19             : */
      20             : 
      21             : #ifndef LCT_SECIR_MODEL_H
      22             : #define LCT_SECIR_MODEL_H
      23             : 
      24             : #include "lct_secir/parameters.h"
      25             : #include "lct_secir/infection_state.h"
      26             : #include "memilio/compartments/compartmentalmodel.h"
      27             : #include "memilio/epidemiology/lct_populations.h"
      28             : #include "memilio/epidemiology/lct_infection_state.h"
      29             : #include "memilio/config.h"
      30             : #include "memilio/utils/time_series.h"
      31             : #include "memilio/utils/logging.h"
      32             : #include "memilio/math/eigen.h"
      33             : #include "memilio/utils/type_list.h"
      34             : #include "memilio/utils/metaprogramming.h"
      35             : namespace mio
      36             : {
      37             : namespace lsecir
      38             : {
      39             : /**
      40             :  * @brief Class that defines an LCT-SECIR model.
      41             :  *
      42             :  * @tparam LctStates The LCT model can work with any number of LctStates, where each LctState corresponds to a group,
      43             :  * e.g. one AgeGroup. The purpose of the LctStates is to define the number of subcompartments for each InfectionState.
      44             :  * If you do not want to divide the population into groups, just use one LctState.
      45             :  * If you want to divide the population according to more than one category, e.g. sex and age, 
      46             :  * you have to specify one LctState for each pair of groups, e.g. for (female, A00-A04), (female, A05-A14) etc. 
      47             :  * This is because the number of subcompartments can be different for each group.
      48             :  * Therefore, the number of LctStates also determines the number of groups. 
      49             :  */
      50             : template <class... LctStates>
      51             : class Model
      52             :     : public CompartmentalModel<ScalarType, InfectionState, LctPopulations<ScalarType, LctStates...>, Parameters>
      53             : {
      54             : public:
      55             :     using LctStatesGroups = TypeList<LctStates...>;
      56             :     using Base = CompartmentalModel<ScalarType, InfectionState, LctPopulations<ScalarType, LctStates...>, Parameters>;
      57             :     using typename Base::ParameterSet;
      58             :     using typename Base::Populations;
      59             :     static size_t constexpr num_groups = sizeof...(LctStates);
      60             :     static_assert(num_groups >= 1, "The number of LctStates provided should be at least one.");
      61             : 
      62             :     /// @brief Default constructor.
      63          20 :     Model()
      64          20 :         : Base(Populations(), ParameterSet(num_groups))
      65             :     {
      66          20 :     }
      67             : 
      68             :     /** @brief Constructor using Populations and ParameterSet.
      69             :      * @param[in] pop An instance of the Populations class.
      70             :      * @param[in] params Parameters used to be used in the simulation.
      71             :      */
      72             :     Model(const Populations& pop, const ParameterSet& params)
      73             :         : Base(pop, params)
      74             :     {
      75             :     }
      76             : 
      77             :     /**
      78             :      * @brief Evaluates the right-hand-side f of the ODE dydt = f(y, t).
      79             :      *
      80             :      * The LCT-SECIR model is defined through ordinary differential equations of the form dydt = f(y, t). 
      81             :      * y is a vector containing the number of individuals for each (sub-) compartment.
      82             :      * This function evaluates the right-hand-side f of the ODE and can be used in an ODE solver.
      83             :      * @param[in] pop The current state of the population in the geographic unit we are considering.
      84             :      * @param[in] y The current state of the model (or a subpopulation) as a flat array.
      85             :      * @param[in] t The current time.
      86             :      * @param[out] dydt A reference to the calculated output.
      87             :      */
      88         243 :     void get_derivatives(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> pop,
      89             :                          Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> y, ScalarType t,
      90             :                          Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> dydt) const override
      91             :     {
      92             :         // Vectors are sorted such that we first have all InfectionState%s for AgeGroup 0,
      93             :         // afterwards all for AgeGroup 1 and so on.
      94         243 :         dydt.setZero();
      95         243 :         get_derivatives_impl(pop, y, t, dydt);
      96         243 :     }
      97             : 
      98             :     /**
      99             :      * @brief Cumulates a simulation result with subcompartments to produce a result that divides the population only
     100             :      *   into the infection states defined in InfectionState.
     101             :      *
     102             :      * If the model is used for simulation, we will get a result in form of a TimeSeries with infection states divided 
     103             :      * in subcompartments.
     104             :      * The function calculates a TimeSeries without subcompartments from another TimeSeries with subcompartments. 
     105             :      * This is done by summing up the numbers in the subcompartments.
     106             :      * @param[in] subcompartments_ts Result of a simulation with the model.
     107             :      * @return Result of the simulation divided in infection states without subcompartments. 
     108             :      *  Returns TimeSeries with values -1 if calculation is not possible.
     109             :      */
     110           5 :     TimeSeries<ScalarType> calculate_compartments(const TimeSeries<ScalarType>& subcompartments_ts) const
     111             :     {
     112           5 :         Eigen::Index count_InfStates  = (Eigen::Index)InfectionState::Count;
     113           5 :         Eigen::Index num_compartments = count_InfStates * num_groups;
     114           5 :         TimeSeries<ScalarType> compartments_ts(num_compartments);
     115           5 :         if (!(this->populations.get_num_compartments() == (size_t)subcompartments_ts.get_num_elements())) {
     116           1 :             log_error("Result does not match InfectionState of the Model.");
     117           1 :             Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType> wrong_size = Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>::Constant(num_compartments, -1);
     118           1 :             compartments_ts.add_time_point(-1, wrong_size);
     119           1 :             return compartments_ts;
     120           1 :         }
     121           4 :         Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType> compartments(num_compartments);
     122          23 :         for (Eigen::Index timepoint = 0; timepoint < subcompartments_ts.get_num_time_points(); ++timepoint) {
     123          19 :             compress_vector(subcompartments_ts[timepoint], compartments);
     124          19 :             compartments_ts.add_time_point(subcompartments_ts.get_time(timepoint), compartments);
     125             :         }
     126             : 
     127           4 :         return compartments_ts;
     128           5 :     }
     129             : 
     130             :     /**
     131             :      * @brief Checks that the model satisfies all constraints (e.g. parameter or population constraints).
     132             :      * @return Returns true if one or more constraints are not satisfied, false otherwise.
     133             :      */
     134          12 :     bool check_constraints() const
     135             :     {
     136             : 
     137          21 :         return (check_constraints_impl() || this->parameters.check_constraints() ||
     138          21 :                 this->populations.check_constraints());
     139             :     }
     140             : 
     141             : private:
     142             :     /**
     143             :      * @brief Converts a vector with subcompartments in a vector without subcompartments 
     144             :      * by summing up subcompartment values.
     145             :      * This is done recursively for each group which corresponds to a slice of the vector.
     146             :      *
     147             :      * @tparam group The group specifying the slice of the vector being considered. 
     148             :      * @param[in] subcompartments The vector that should be converted.
     149             :      * @param[out] compartments Reference to the vector where the output is stored.
     150             :      */
     151             :     template <size_t Group = 0>
     152          32 :     void compress_vector(const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>& subcompartments,
     153             :                          Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>& compartments) const
     154             :     {
     155             :         static_assert((Group < num_groups) && (Group >= 0), "The template parameter Group should be valid.");
     156             :         using LctStateGroup = type_at_index_t<Group, LctStates...>;
     157             : 
     158             :         // Define first index of the group Group in a vector including all compartments without a resolution
     159             :         // in subcompartments.
     160          32 :         Eigen::Index count_InfStates         = (Eigen::Index)InfectionState::Count;
     161          32 :         Eigen::Index first_index_group_comps = Group * count_InfStates;
     162             : 
     163             :         // Use function from the LctState of the Group to calculate the vector without subcompartments
     164             :         // using the corresponding vector with subcompartments.
     165          64 :         compartments.segment(first_index_group_comps, count_InfStates) =
     166          96 :             LctStateGroup::calculate_compartments(subcompartments.segment(
     167          32 :                 this->populations.template get_first_index_of_group<Group>(), LctStateGroup::Count));
     168             : 
     169             :         // Function call for next group if applicable.
     170             :         if constexpr (Group + 1 < num_groups) {
     171          13 :             compress_vector<Group + 1>(subcompartments, compartments);
     172             :         }
     173          32 :     }
     174             : 
     175             :     /**
     176             :      * @brief Evaluates the right-hand-side f of the ODE dydt = f(y, t) recursively for each group.
     177             :      *
     178             :      * See also the function get_derivative.
     179             :      * For each group, one slice of the output vector is calculated.
     180             :      * @tparam group The group specifying the slice of the vector being considered.  
     181             :      * @param[in] pop The current state of the population in the geographic unit we are considering.
     182             :      * @param[in] y The current state of the model (or a subpopulation) as a flat array.
     183             :      * @param[in] t The current time.
     184             :      * @param[out] dydt A reference to the calculated output.
     185             :      */
     186             :     template <size_t Group = 0>
     187         270 :     void get_derivatives_impl(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> pop,
     188             :                               Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> y, ScalarType t,
     189             :                               Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> dydt) const
     190             :     {
     191             :         static_assert((Group < num_groups) && (Group >= 0), "The template parameter Group should be valid.");
     192             :         using LctStateGroup = type_at_index_t<Group, LctStates...>;
     193             : 
     194         270 :         size_t first_index_group = this->populations.template get_first_index_of_group<Group>();
     195         270 :         auto params              = this->parameters;
     196         270 :         ScalarType flow          = 0;
     197             : 
     198             :         // Indices of first subcompartment of the InfectionState for the group in the vectors.
     199         270 :         size_t Ei_first_index = first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::Exposed>();
     200         270 :         size_t INSi_first_index =
     201         270 :             first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptoms>();
     202         270 :         size_t ISyi_first_index =
     203         270 :             first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptoms>();
     204         270 :         size_t ISevi_first_index =
     205         270 :             first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::InfectedSevere>();
     206         270 :         size_t ICri_first_index =
     207         270 :             first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::InfectedCritical>();
     208         270 :         size_t Ri = first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::Recovered>();
     209         270 :         size_t Di = first_index_group + LctStateGroup::template get_first_index<InfectionState::Dead>();
     210             : 
     211             :         // Calculate derivative of the Susceptible compartment.
     212         270 :         interact<Group, 0>(pop, y, t, dydt);
     213             : 
     214             :         // Calculate derivative of the Exposed compartment.
     215         270 :         dydt[Ei_first_index] = -dydt[first_index_group];
     216         665 :         for (size_t subcomp = 0; subcomp < LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::Exposed>();
     217             :              subcomp++) {
     218             :             // Variable flow stores the value of the flow from one subcompartment to the next one.
     219             :             // Ei_first_index + subcomp is always the index of a (sub-)compartment of Exposed and Ei_first_index
     220             :             // + subcomp + 1 can also be the index of the first (sub-)compartment of InfectedNoSymptoms.
     221         395 :             flow = (ScalarType)LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::Exposed>() *
     222         395 :                    (1 / params.template get<TimeExposed>()[Group]) * y[Ei_first_index + subcomp];
     223             :             // Subtract flow from dydt[Ei_first_index + subcomp] and add to next subcompartment.
     224         395 :             dydt[Ei_first_index + subcomp] -= flow;
     225         395 :             dydt[Ei_first_index + subcomp + 1] = flow;
     226             :         }
     227             : 
     228             :         // Calculate derivative of the InfectedNoSymptoms compartment.
     229         270 :         for (size_t subcomp = 0;
     230         790 :              subcomp < LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptoms>();
     231             :              subcomp++) {
     232         520 :             flow = (ScalarType)LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptoms>() *
     233         520 :                    (1 / params.template get<TimeInfectedNoSymptoms>()[Group]) * y[INSi_first_index + subcomp];
     234         520 :             dydt[INSi_first_index + subcomp] -= flow;
     235         520 :             dydt[INSi_first_index + subcomp + 1] = flow;
     236             :         }
     237             : 
     238             :         // Calculate derivative of the InfectedSymptoms compartment.
     239             :         // Flow from last (sub-) compartment of C must be split between
     240             :         // the first subcompartment of InfectedSymptoms and Recovered.
     241         270 :         dydt[Ri] = dydt[ISyi_first_index] * params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms>()[Group];
     242         270 :         dydt[ISyi_first_index] =
     243         270 :             dydt[ISyi_first_index] * (1 - params.template get<RecoveredPerInfectedNoSymptoms>()[Group]);
     244         270 :         for (size_t subcomp = 0;
     245         545 :              subcomp < LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedSymptoms>(); subcomp++) {
     246         275 :             flow = (ScalarType)LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedSymptoms>() *
     247         275 :                    (1 / params.template get<TimeInfectedSymptoms>()[Group]) * y[ISyi_first_index + subcomp];
     248         275 :             dydt[ISyi_first_index + subcomp] -= flow;
     249         275 :             dydt[ISyi_first_index + subcomp + 1] = flow;
     250             :         }
     251             : 
     252             :         // Calculate derivative of the InfectedSevere compartment.
     253         270 :         dydt[Ri] += dydt[ISevi_first_index] * (1 - params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms>()[Group]);
     254         270 :         dydt[ISevi_first_index] = dydt[ISevi_first_index] * params.template get<SeverePerInfectedSymptoms>()[Group];
     255         270 :         for (size_t subcomp = 0;
     256         545 :              subcomp < LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedSevere>(); subcomp++) {
     257         275 :             flow = (ScalarType)LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedSevere>() *
     258         275 :                    (1 / params.template get<TimeInfectedSevere>()[Group]) * y[ISevi_first_index + subcomp];
     259         275 :             dydt[ISevi_first_index + subcomp] -= flow;
     260         275 :             dydt[ISevi_first_index + subcomp + 1] = flow;
     261             :         }
     262             : 
     263             :         // Calculate derivative of the InfectedCritical compartment.
     264         270 :         dydt[Ri] += dydt[ICri_first_index] * (1 - params.template get<CriticalPerSevere>()[Group]);
     265         270 :         dydt[ICri_first_index] = dydt[ICri_first_index] * params.template get<CriticalPerSevere>()[Group];
     266         270 :         for (size_t subcomp = 0;
     267         755 :              subcomp < LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedCritical>() - 1;
     268             :              subcomp++) {
     269         485 :             flow = (ScalarType)LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedCritical>() *
     270         485 :                    (1 / params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical>()[Group]) * y[ICri_first_index + subcomp];
     271         485 :             dydt[ICri_first_index + subcomp] -= flow;
     272         485 :             dydt[ICri_first_index + subcomp + 1] = flow;
     273             :         }
     274             :         // Last flow from InfectedCritical has to be divided between Recovered and Dead.
     275             :         // Must be calculated separately in order not to overwrite the already calculated values ​​for Recovered.
     276         270 :         flow = (ScalarType)LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedCritical>() *
     277         270 :                (1 / params.template get<TimeInfectedCritical>()[Group]) * y[Ri - 1];
     278         270 :         dydt[Ri - 1] -= flow;
     279         270 :         dydt[Ri] = dydt[Ri] + (1 - params.template get<DeathsPerCritical>()[Group]) * flow;
     280         270 :         dydt[Di] = params.template get<DeathsPerCritical>()[Group] * flow;
     281             : 
     282             :         // Function call for next group if applicable.
     283             :         if constexpr (Group + 1 < num_groups) {
     284          27 :             get_derivatives_impl<Group + 1>(pop, y, t, dydt);
     285             :         }
     286         540 :     }
     287             : 
     288             :     /**
     289             :      * @brief Calculates the derivative of the Susceptible compartment for Group1.
     290             :      *
     291             :      * This is done recursively by calculating the interaction terms with each group.
     292             :      * @tparam Group1 The group for which the derivative of the Susceptible compartment should be calculated. 
     293             :      * @tparam Group2 The group that Group1 interacts with. 
     294             :      * @param[in] pop The current state of the population in the geographic unit we are considering.
     295             :      * @param[in] y The current state of the model (or a subpopulation) as a flat array.
     296             :      * @param[in] t The current time.
     297             :      * @param[out] dydt A reference to the calculated output.
     298             :      */
     299             :     template <size_t Group1, size_t Group2 = 0>
     300         350 :     void interact(Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> pop, Eigen::Ref<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> y,
     301             :                   ScalarType t, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>> dydt) const
     302             :     {
     303             :         static_assert((Group1 < num_groups) && (Group1 >= 0) && (Group2 < num_groups) && (Group2 >= 0),
     304             :                       "The template parameters Group1 & Group2 should be valid.");
     305             :         using LctStateGroup2            = type_at_index_t<Group2, LctStates...>;
     306         350 :         size_t Si_1                     = this->populations.template get_first_index_of_group<Group1>();
     307         350 :         ScalarType infectedNoSymptoms_2 = 0;
     308         350 :         ScalarType infectedSymptoms_2   = 0;
     309         350 :         auto params                     = this->parameters;
     310             : 
     311         350 :         size_t first_index_group2 = this->populations.template get_first_index_of_group<Group2>();
     312             : 
     313             :         // Calculate sum of all subcompartments for InfectedNoSymptoms of Group2.
     314         350 :         infectedNoSymptoms_2 =
     315         700 :             pop.segment(first_index_group2 +
     316         350 :                             LctStateGroup2::template get_first_index<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptoms>(),
     317             :                         LctStateGroup2::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedNoSymptoms>())
     318         350 :                 .sum();
     319             :         // Calculate sum of all subcompartments for InfectedSymptoms of Group2.
     320         350 :         infectedSymptoms_2 =
     321         700 :             pop.segment(first_index_group2 +
     322         350 :                             LctStateGroup2::template get_first_index<InfectionState::InfectedSymptoms>(),
     323             :                         LctStateGroup2::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::InfectedSymptoms>())
     324         350 :                 .sum();
     325             :         // Size of the Subpopulation Group2 without dead people.
     326         350 :         double N_2            = pop.segment(first_index_group2, LctStateGroup2::Count - 1).sum();
     327         350 :         const double divN_2   = (N_2 < Limits<ScalarType>::zero_tolerance()) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / N_2;
     328         350 :         ScalarType season_val = 1 + params.template get<Seasonality>() *
     329         350 :                                         sin(3.141592653589793 * ((params.template get<StartDay>() + t) / 182.5 + 0.5));
     330         700 :         dydt[Si_1] += -y[Si_1] * divN_2 * season_val * params.template get<TransmissionProbabilityOnContact>()[Group1] *
     331         700 :                       params.template get<ContactPatterns>().get_cont_freq_mat().get_matrix_at(t)(
     332         350 :                           static_cast<Eigen::Index>(Group1), static_cast<Eigen::Index>(Group2)) *
     333         350 :                       (params.template get<RelativeTransmissionNoSymptoms>()[Group2] * infectedNoSymptoms_2 +
     334         350 :                        params.template get<RiskOfInfectionFromSymptomatic>()[Group2] * infectedSymptoms_2);
     335             :         // Function call for next interacting group if applicable.
     336             :         if constexpr (Group2 + 1 < num_groups) {
     337          80 :             interact<Group1, Group2 + 1>(pop, y, t, dydt);
     338             :         }
     339         700 :     }
     340             : 
     341             :     /**
     342             :      * @brief Checks whether LctState of a group satisfies all constraints. 
     343             :      *  Recursively, it checks that all groups satisfy the constraints.
     344             :      *
     345             :      * @tparam group The group for which the constraints should be checked.
     346             :      * @return Returns true if one or more constraints are not satisfied, false otherwise.
     347             :      */
     348             :     template <size_t Group = 0>
     349          22 :     bool check_constraints_impl() const
     350             :     {
     351             :         static_assert((Group < num_groups) && (Group >= 0), "The template parameter Group should be valid.");
     352             :         using LctStateGroup = type_at_index_t<Group, LctStates...>;
     353             : 
     354          22 :         if (LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::Susceptible>() != 1) {
     355           1 :             log_warning("Constraint check: The number of subcompartments for Susceptibles of group {} should be one!",
     356             :                         Group);
     357           1 :             return true;
     358             :         }
     359          21 :         if (LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::Recovered>() != 1) {
     360           1 :             log_warning("Constraint check: The number of subcompartments for Recovered of group {} should be one!",
     361             :                         Group);
     362           1 :             return true;
     363             :         }
     364          20 :         if (LctStateGroup::template get_num_subcompartments<InfectionState::Dead>() != 1) {
     365           1 :             log_warning("Constraint check: The number of subcompartments for Dead of group {} should be one!", Group);
     366           1 :             return true;
     367             :         }
     368             : 
     369             :         if constexpr (Group == num_groups - 1) {
     370           9 :             return false;
     371             :         }
     372             :         else {
     373          10 :             return check_constraints_impl<Group + 1>();
     374             :         }
     375             :     }
     376             : };
     377             : 
     378             : } // namespace lsecir
     379             : } // namespace mio
     380             : 
     381             : #endif // LCTSECIR_MODEL_H

Generated by: LCOV version 1.14