LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - models/ide_secir - parameters_io.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 164 164 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-17 13:46:44 Functions: 6 6 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             : * Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
       3             : *
       4             : * Authors: Lena Ploetzke, Anna Wendler
       5             : *
       6             : * Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
       7             : *
       8             : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       9             : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      10             : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      11             : *
      12             : *
      13             : *
      14             : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      15             : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      16             : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      17             : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      18             : * limitations under the License.
      19             : */
      20             : #ifndef IDE_INITIALFLOWS_H
      21             : #define IDE_INITIALFLOWS_H
      22             : 
      23             : #include "memilio/config.h"
      24             : 
      25             : #ifdef MEMILIO_HAS_JSONCPP
      26             : 
      27             : #include "ide_secir/model.h"
      28             : #include "ide_secir/infection_state.h"
      29             : 
      30             : #include "memilio/epidemiology/age_group.h"
      31             : #include "memilio/io/epi_data.h"
      32             : #include "memilio/io/io.h"
      33             : #include "memilio/utils/date.h"
      34             : #include "memilio/utils/logging.h"
      35             : 
      36             : #include <string>
      37             : 
      38             : namespace mio
      39             : {
      40             : namespace isecir
      41             : {
      42             : 
      43             : /**
      44             : * @brief Computes a TimeSeries of flows to provide initial data for an IDE-SECIR model with data from RKI.
      45             : *   
      46             : * The flows InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms are calculated using the confirmed cases in the RKI data.
      47             : * If necessary, the RKI data are linearly interpolated within one day.
      48             : * The RKI data should contain data for each needed day without division of age groups, the completeness of the dates is not verified.
      49             : * Data can be downloaded e.g. with the file pycode/memilio-epidata/memilio/epidata/, 
      50             : * which creates a file named cases_all_germany.json or a similar name. One should set impute_dates=True so that missing dates are imputed.
      51             : *
      52             : * The flows InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere, InfectedSymptomsToRecovered, InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical,
      53             : * InfectedSevereToRecovered, InfectedCriticalToDead and InfectedCriticalToRecovered can then be calculated using
      54             : * the InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms flow with the standard formula from the IDE model.
      55             : * The ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms and InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms flows are calculated 
      56             : * using the means of the respective TransitionDistribution. 
      57             : * The flow InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms is calculated with the standard formula from the IDE model
      58             : * using the results for ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms.
      59             : *
      60             : * The number of deaths used in the model is computed by shifting the reported RKI data according to the mean values of the transitions 
      61             : * InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere, InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical and InfectedCriticalToDead.
      62             : * We also set the number of total confirmed cases in the model. 
      63             : * Therefore the initialization method using the total confirmed cases is used in the model. See also the documentation of the model class.
      64             : * 
      65             : * The start date of the model simulation is set to t0=0.
      66             : *
      67             : * @param[in, out] model The model for which the initial flows should be computed.
      68             : * @param[in] dt Time step size.
      69             : * @param[in] rki_data Vector containing RKI data.
      70             : * @param[in] date The start date of the simulation and the last time point of the TimeSeries used for initialization.
      71             : * @param[in] scale_confirmed_cases Vector with factor(s for each age group) by which to scale the confirmed cases of 
      72             : *   rki_data to consider unreported cases.
      73             : * @tparam EntryType is expected to be ConfirmedCasesNoAgeEntry for data that is not age resolved and 
      74             : *   ConfirmedCasesDataEntry for age resolved data. See also epi_data.h.
      75             : * @returns Any io errors that happen during reading of the files.
      76             : */
      77             : 
      78             : template <typename EntryType>
      79          12 : IOResult<void> set_initial_flows(Model& model, const ScalarType dt, const std::vector<EntryType> rki_data,
      80             :                                  const Date date, const CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup> scale_confirmed_cases)
      81             : {
      82             :     // Check if scale_confirmed_cases has the right size (= number of age groups).
      83          12 :     assert(model.get_num_agegroups() == (size_t)scale_confirmed_cases.size());
      84             :     // Check if the correct EntryType was used.
      85             :     if constexpr (std::is_same_v<EntryType, ConfirmedCasesDataEntry>) {
      86           6 :         assert(model.get_num_agegroups() == (size_t)EntryType::age_group_names.size());
      87             :     }
      88             :     else {
      89           6 :         assert(model.get_num_agegroups() == 1);
      90             :     }
      91             : 
      92             :     //--- Preparations ---
      93        2837 :     auto max_date_entry = std::max_element(rki_data.begin(), rki_data.end(), [](auto&& a, auto&& b) {
      94        2825 :         return <;
      95             :     });
      96          12 :     if (max_date_entry == rki_data.end()) {
      97           2 :         log_error("RKI data file is empty.");
      98           2 :         return failure(StatusCode::InvalidFileFormat, "RKI data file is empty.");
      99             :     }
     100          10 :     auto max_date = max_date_entry->date;
     101          10 :     if (max_date < date) {
     102           2 :         log_error("Specified date does not exist in RKI data.");
     103           2 :         return failure(StatusCode::OutOfRange, "Specified date does not exist in RKI data.");
     104             :     }
     105             : 
     106             :     // Get (global) support_max to determine how many flows in the past we have to compute.
     107           8 :     ScalarType global_support_max         = model.get_global_support_max(dt);
     108           8 :     Eigen::Index global_support_max_index = Eigen::Index(std::ceil(global_support_max / dt));
     109             : 
     110             :     // Get the number of AgeGroups.
     111           8 :     const size_t num_age_groups = model.get_num_agegroups();
     112             : 
     113             :     // m_transitions should be empty at the beginning.
     114           8 :     if (model.transitions.get_num_time_points() > 0) {
     115           6 :         model.transitions = TimeSeries<ScalarType>(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::Count) * num_age_groups);
     116             :     }
     117           8 :     if (model.populations.get_time(0) != 0) {
     118           2 :         model.populations.remove_last_time_point();
     119           4 :         model.populations.add_time_point<Eigen::VectorXd>(
     120           2 :             0, TimeSeries<ScalarType>::Vector::Constant((int)InfectionState::Count * num_age_groups, 0));
     121             :     }
     122             : 
     123             :     // The first time we need is -4 * global_support_max because we need values for
     124             :     // InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms on this time window to compute all consecutive transitions on the time
     125             :     // window from -global_support_max to 0.
     126           8 :     Eigen::Index start_shift = 4 * global_support_max_index;
     127             :     // The last time needed is dependent on the mean stay time in the Exposed compartment and
     128             :     // the mean stay time of asymptomatic individuals in InfectedNoSymptoms.
     129             :     // The mean stay time in a compartment may be dependent on the AgeGroup.
     130          24 :     CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup> mean_ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms =
     131          24 :         CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup>(AgeGroup(num_age_groups), 0.);
     132          24 :     CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup> mean_InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms =
     133          24 :         CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup>(AgeGroup(num_age_groups), 0.);
     134          24 :     CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup> mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere =
     135          24 :         CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup>(AgeGroup(num_age_groups), 0.);
     136          24 :     CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup> mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical =
     137          24 :         CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup>(AgeGroup(num_age_groups), 0.);
     138          24 :     CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup> mean_InfectedCriticalToDead =
     139          24 :         CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup>(AgeGroup(num_age_groups), 0.);
     140           8 :     Eigen::Index last_time_index_needed = 0;
     141             : 
     142          36 :     for (AgeGroup group = AgeGroup(0); group < AgeGroup(num_age_groups); group++) {
     143             :         // Set the Dead compartment to 0 so that RKI data can be added correctly.
     144          28 :         int Di                   = model.get_state_flat_index(Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Dead), group);
     145          28 :         model.populations[0][Di] = 0;
     146             : 
     147          28 :         mean_ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms[group] =
     148             :             model.parameters
     149          28 :                 .get<TransitionDistributions>()[group][Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms)]
     150          28 :                 .get_mean(dt);
     151          28 :         mean_InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms[group] =
     152             :             model.parameters
     153          28 :                 .get<TransitionDistributions>()[group]
     154             :                                                [Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms)]
     155          28 :                 .get_mean(dt);
     156          28 :         mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] =
     157             :             model.parameters
     158          28 :                 .get<TransitionDistributions>()[group]
     159             :                                                [Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere)]
     160          28 :                 .get_mean(dt);
     161          28 :         mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] =
     162             :             model.parameters
     163          28 :                 .get<TransitionDistributions>()[group]
     164             :                                                [Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical)]
     165          28 :                 .get_mean(dt);
     166          28 :         mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group] =
     167             :             model.parameters
     168          28 :                 .get<TransitionDistributions>()[group][Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedCriticalToDead)]
     169          28 :                 .get_mean(dt);
     170          28 :         if (last_time_index_needed <
     171          28 :             Eigen::Index(std::ceil(
     172          28 :                 (mean_ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms[group] + mean_InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms[group]) / dt))) {
     173           8 :             last_time_index_needed = Eigen::Index(std::ceil(
     174           8 :                 (mean_ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms[group] + mean_InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms[group]) / dt));
     175             :         }
     176             :     }
     177             : 
     178             :     // Create TimeSeries with zeros. The index of time zero is start_shift.
     179         176 :     for (Eigen::Index i = -start_shift; i <= last_time_index_needed; i++) {
     180             :         // Add time point.
     181         336 :         model.transitions.add_time_point(
     182         336 :             i * dt, TimeSeries<ScalarType>::Vector::Constant((size_t)InfectionTransition::Count * num_age_groups, 0.));
     183             :     }
     184             : 
     185             :     // Setting the entries in m_total_confirmed_cases to zero before overwriting it with the RKI data.
     186           8 :     model.total_confirmed_cases = CustomIndexArray<ScalarType, AgeGroup>(AgeGroup(num_age_groups), 0.);
     187             :     //--- Calculate the flow InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms using the RKI data and store in the m_transitions object.---
     188          16 :     ScalarType min_offset_needed = std::ceil(
     189           8 :         model.transitions.get_time(0) -
     190             :         1); // Need -1 if first time point is integer and just the floor value if not, therefore use ceil and -1
     191           8 :     ScalarType max_offset_needed = std::ceil(model.transitions.get_last_time());
     192           8 :     bool min_offset_needed_avail = false;
     193           8 :     bool max_offset_needed_avail = false;
     194             : 
     195             :     // Go through the entries of rki_data and check if date is needed for calculation. Confirmed cases are scaled.
     196             :     // Define dummy variables to store the first and the last index of the TimeSeries where the considered entry of
     197             :     // rki_data is potentially needed.
     198           8 :     Eigen::Index idx_needed_first = 0;
     199           8 :     Eigen::Index idx_needed_last  = 0;
     200           8 :     ScalarType time_idx           = 0;
     201             : 
     202        2276 :     for (auto&& entry : rki_data) {
     203        2268 :         int offset = get_offset_in_days(, date);
     204             : 
     205             :         // Get the index regarding the age group.
     206             :         // If we don't have age resolution and use EntryType=ConfirmedCasesNoAge, the index is set to 1.
     207             :         // If we consider multiple age groups and use EntryType=ConfirmedCasesDataEntry, it is determined accordingly.
     208        2268 :         AgeGroup group = AgeGroup(0);
     209             :         if constexpr (std::is_same_v<EntryType, ConfirmedCasesDataEntry>) {
     210        2208 :             group = entry.age_group;
     211             :         }
     212             : 
     213        2268 :         if ((offset >= min_offset_needed) && (offset <= max_offset_needed)) {
     214         259 :             if (offset == min_offset_needed) {
     215          21 :                 min_offset_needed_avail = true;
     216             :             }
     217         259 :             if (offset == max_offset_needed) {
     218          21 :                 max_offset_needed_avail = true;
     219             :             }
     220             :             // Smallest index for which the entry is needed.
     221         259 :             idx_needed_first =
     222         259 :                 Eigen::Index(std::max(std::floor((offset - model.transitions.get_time(0) - 1) / dt), 0.));
     223             :             // Biggest index for which the entry is needed.
     224         259 :             idx_needed_last = Eigen::Index(std::min(std::ceil((offset - model.transitions.get_time(0) + 1) / dt),
     225         518 :                                                     double(model.transitions.get_num_time_points() - 1)));
     226             : 
     227         259 :             int INStISyi = model.get_transition_flat_index(
     228             :                 Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms), group);
     229             : 
     230        1386 :             for (Eigen::Index i = idx_needed_first; i <= idx_needed_last; i++) {
     231             : 
     232        1127 :                 time_idx = model.transitions.get_time(i);
     233        1127 :                 if (offset == int(std::floor(time_idx))) {
     234         455 :                     model.transitions[i][INStISyi] +=
     235         455 :                         (1 - (time_idx - std::floor(time_idx))) * scale_confirmed_cases[group] * entry.num_confirmed;
     236             :                 }
     237        1127 :                 if (offset == int(std::ceil(time_idx))) {
     238         455 :                     model.transitions[i][INStISyi] +=
     239         455 :                         (time_idx - std::floor(time_idx)) * scale_confirmed_cases[group] * entry.num_confirmed;
     240             :                 }
     241        1127 :                 if (offset == int(std::floor(time_idx - dt))) {
     242         910 :                     model.transitions[i][INStISyi] -= (1 - (time_idx - dt - std::floor(time_idx - dt))) *
     243         455 :                                                       scale_confirmed_cases[group] * entry.num_confirmed;
     244             :                 }
     245        1127 :                 if (offset == int(std::ceil(time_idx - dt))) {
     246         910 :                     model.transitions[i][INStISyi] -= (time_idx - dt - std::floor(time_idx - dt)) *
     247         455 :                                                       scale_confirmed_cases[group] * entry.num_confirmed;
     248             :                 }
     249             :             }
     250             : 
     251             :             // Compute Dead by shifting RKI data according to mean stay times.
     252             :             // This is done because the RKI reports death with the date of positive test instead of the date of deaths.
     253         259 :             int Di = model.get_state_flat_index(Eigen::Index(InfectionState::Dead), group);
     254         518 :             if (offset ==
     255         518 :                 std::floor(-mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] -
     256         259 :                            mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] - mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group])) {
     257          21 :                 model.populations[0][Di] +=
     258          21 :                     (1 -
     259          21 :                      (-mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] - mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] -
     260          21 :                       mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group] -
     261          21 :                       std::floor(-mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] -
     262          21 :                                  mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] - mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group]))) *
     263          21 :                     entry.num_deaths;
     264             :             }
     265         518 :             if (offset ==
     266         259 :                 std::ceil(-mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] - mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] -
     267             :                           mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group])) {
     268          21 :                 model.populations[0][Di] +=
     269          21 :                     (-mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] - mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] -
     270          21 :                      mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group] -
     271          21 :                      std::floor(-mean_InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere[group] -
     272          21 :                                 mean_InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical[group] - mean_InfectedCriticalToDead[group])) *
     273          21 :                     entry.num_deaths;
     274             :             }
     275             : 
     276         259 :             if (offset == 0) {
     277          28 :                 model.total_confirmed_cases[group] = scale_confirmed_cases[group] * entry.num_confirmed;
     278             :             }
     279             :         }
     280             :     }
     281             : 
     282           8 :     if (!max_offset_needed_avail) {
     283           2 :         log_error("Necessary range of dates needed to compute initial values does not exist in RKI data.");
     284           2 :         return failure(StatusCode::OutOfRange, "Necessary range of dates does not exist in RKI data.");
     285             :     }
     286           6 :     if (!min_offset_needed_avail) {
     287         567 :         auto min_date_entry = std::min_element(rki_data.begin(), rki_data.end(), [](auto&& a, auto&& b) {
     288         565 :             return <;
     289             :         });
     290           2 :         auto min_date       = min_date_entry->date;
     291             :         // Get first date that is needed.
     292           2 :         mio::Date min_offset_date = offset_date_by_days(date, int(min_offset_needed));
     293           2 :         log_warning("RKI data is needed from {} to compute initial values. RKI data is only available from {}. Missing "
     294             :                     "dates were set to 0.",
     295             :                     min_offset_date, min_date);
     296             :     }
     297             : 
     298             :     //--- Calculate the flows "after" InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms (that were set above using rki_data). ---
     299             :     // Set m_support_max_vector and m_derivative_vector in the model which is needed for the following computations.
     300           6 :     model.set_transitiondistributions_support_max(dt);
     301           6 :     model.set_transitiondistributions_derivative(dt);
     302             : 
     303          27 :     for (AgeGroup group = AgeGroup(0); group < AgeGroup(num_age_groups); group++) {
     304             :         //--- Calculate the flows "after" InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms. ---
     305             :         // Compute flow InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere for -3 * global_support_max, ..., 0.
     306         294 :         for (Eigen::Index i = -3 * global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     307         273 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere),
     308             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms), dt,
     309             :                                i + start_shift, group);
     310             :         }
     311             :         // Compute flow InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical for -2 * global_support_max, ..., 0.
     312         210 :         for (Eigen::Index i = -2 * global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     313         189 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical),
     314             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere), dt, i + start_shift,
     315             :                                group);
     316             :         }
     317             :         // Compute flows from InfectedSymptoms, InfectedSevere and InfectedCritical to Recovered and
     318             :         // flow InfectedCriticalToDead for -global_support_max, ..., 0.
     319         126 :         for (Eigen::Index i = -global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     320             :             // Compute flow InfectedSymptomsToRecovered.
     321         105 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSymptomsToRecovered),
     322             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms), dt,
     323             :                                i + start_shift, group);
     324             :             // Compute flow InfectedSevereToRecovered.
     325         105 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSevereToRecovered),
     326             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSymptomsToInfectedSevere), dt, i + start_shift,
     327             :                                group);
     328             :             // Compute flow InfectedCriticalToRecovered.
     329         105 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedCriticalToRecovered),
     330             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical), dt, i + start_shift,
     331             :                                group);
     332             :             // Compute flow InfectedCriticalToDead.
     333         105 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedCriticalToDead),
     334             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedSevereToInfectedCritical), dt, i + start_shift,
     335             :                                group);
     336             :         }
     337             : 
     338             :         //--- Calculate the remaining flows. ---
     339             :         // Compute flow ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms for -2 * global_support_max, ..., 0.
     340             :         // Use mean value of the TransitionDistribution InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms for the calculation.
     341             : 
     342          21 :         Eigen::Index index_shift_mean = Eigen::Index(std::round(mean_InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms[group] / dt));
     343          21 :         int EtINSi =
     344          42 :             model.get_transition_flat_index(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms), group);
     345          21 :         int INStISyi = model.get_transition_flat_index(
     346             :             Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms), group);
     347         210 :         for (Eigen::Index i = -2 * global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     348         189 :             model.transitions[i + start_shift][EtINSi] =
     349         189 :                 (1 / model.parameters.get<TransitionProbabilities>()[group][Eigen::Index(
     350         567 :                          InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms)]) *
     351         189 :                 model.transitions[i + start_shift + index_shift_mean][INStISyi];
     352             :         }
     353             : 
     354             :         // Compute flow SusceptibleToExposed for -global_support_max, ..., 0.
     355             :         // Use mean values of the TransitionDistribution ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms and of the
     356             :         // TransitionDistribution InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms for the calculation.
     357          21 :         index_shift_mean = Eigen::Index(std::round(
     358          21 :             (mean_ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms[group] + mean_InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms[group]) / dt));
     359          21 :         int StEi = model.get_transition_flat_index(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::SusceptibleToExposed), group);
     360             : 
     361         126 :         for (Eigen::Index i = -global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     362         105 :             model.transitions[i + start_shift][StEi] =
     363         105 :                 (1 / model.parameters.get<TransitionProbabilities>()[group][Eigen::Index(
     364         315 :                          InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToInfectedSymptoms)]) *
     365         105 :                 model.transitions[i + start_shift + index_shift_mean][INStISyi];
     366             :         }
     367             : 
     368             :         // InfectedNoSymptomsToRecovered for -global_support_max, ..., 0.
     369             :         // If we previously calculated the transition ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms, we can calculate this transition
     370             :         // using the standard formula.
     371         126 :         for (Eigen::Index i = -global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     372         105 :             model.compute_flow(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::InfectedNoSymptomsToRecovered),
     373             :                                Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::ExposedToInfectedNoSymptoms), dt, i + start_shift,
     374             :                                group);
     375             :         }
     376             :     }
     377             : 
     378             :     // At the end of the calculation, delete all time points that are not required for the simulation.
     379           6 :     auto transition_copy(model.transitions);
     380           6 :     model.transitions = TimeSeries<ScalarType>(Eigen::Index(InfectionTransition::Count) * num_age_groups);
     381          36 :     for (Eigen::Index i = -global_support_max_index; i <= 0; i++) {
     382          30 :         model.transitions.add_time_point(i * dt, transition_copy.get_value(i + start_shift));
     383             :     }
     384             : 
     385          12 :     return mio::success();
     386           8 : }
     387             : 
     388             : } // namespace isecir
     389             : } // namespace mio
     390             : 
     391             : #endif // MEMILIO_HAS_JSONCPP
     392             : 
     393             : #endif // IDE_INITIALFLOWS_H

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