LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - models/abm - testing_strategy.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 24 24 100.0 %
Date: 2025-02-17 13:46:44 Functions: 9 9 100.0 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : /*
       2             : * Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
       3             : *
       4             : * Authors: Elisabeth Kluth, David Kerkmann, Sascha Korf, Martin J. Kuehn, Khoa Nguyen
       5             : *
       6             : * Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
       7             : *
       8             : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
       9             : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      10             : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      11             : *
      12             : *
      13             : *
      14             : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      15             : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      16             : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      17             : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
      18             : * limitations under the License.
      19             : */
      20             : #ifndef MIO_ABM_TESTING_SCHEME_H
      21             : #define MIO_ABM_TESTING_SCHEME_H
      22             : 
      23             : #include "abm/config.h"
      24             : #include "abm/location_id.h"
      25             : #include "abm/location_type.h"
      26             : #include "abm/parameters.h"
      27             : #include "abm/person.h"
      28             : #include "abm/location.h"
      29             : #include "abm/time.h"
      30             : #include "memilio/io/default_serialize.h"
      31             : 
      32             : #include <bitset>
      33             : #include <vector>
      34             : 
      35             : namespace mio
      36             : {
      37             : namespace abm
      38             : {
      39             : 
      40             : /**
      41             :  * @brief TestingCriteria for TestingScheme.
      42             :  */
      43             : class TestingCriteria
      44             : {
      45             : public:
      46             :     /**
      47             :      * @brief Create a TestingCriteria where everyone is tested.
      48             :      */
      49          18 :     TestingCriteria() = default;
      50             : 
      51             :     /**
      52             :      * @brief Create a TestingCriteria.
      53             :      * @param[in] ages Vector of AgeGroup%s that are either allowed or required to be tested.
      54             :      * @param[in] infection_states Vector of #InfectionState%s that are either allowed or required to be tested.
      55             :      * An empty vector of ages or none bitset of #InfectionStates% means that no condition on the corresponding property
      56             :      * is set!
      57             :      */
      58             :     TestingCriteria(const std::vector<AgeGroup>& ages, const std::vector<InfectionState>& infection_states);
      59             : 
      60             :     /**
      61             :      * @brief Compares two TestingCriteria for functional equality.
      62             :      */
      63             :     bool operator==(const TestingCriteria& other) const;
      64             : 
      65             :     /**
      66             :      * @brief Add an AgeGroup to the set of AgeGroup%s that are either allowed or required to be tested.
      67             :      * @param[in] age_group AgeGroup to be added.
      68             :      */
      69             :     void add_age_group(const AgeGroup age_group);
      70             : 
      71             :     /**
      72             :      * @brief Remove an AgeGroup from the set of AgeGroup%s that are either allowed or required to be tested.
      73             :      * @param[in] age_group AgeGroup to be removed.
      74             :      */
      75             :     void remove_age_group(const AgeGroup age_group);
      76             : 
      77             :     /**
      78             :      * @brief Add an #InfectionState to the set of #InfectionState%s that are either allowed or required to be tested.
      79             :      * @param[in] infection_state #InfectionState to be added.
      80             :      */
      81             :     void add_infection_state(const InfectionState infection_state);
      82             : 
      83             :     /**
      84             :      * @brief Remove an #InfectionState from the set of #InfectionState%s that are either allowed or required to be
      85             :      * tested.
      86             :      * @param[in] infection_state #InfectionState to be removed.
      87             :      */
      88             :     void remove_infection_state(const InfectionState infection_state);
      89             : 
      90             :     /**
      91             :      * @brief Check if a Person and a Location meet all the required properties to get tested.
      92             :      * @param[in] p Person to be checked.
      93             :      * @param[in] t TimePoint when to evaluate the TestingCriteria.
      94             :      */
      95             :     bool evaluate(const Person& p, TimePoint t) const;
      96             : 
      97          18 :     auto default_serialize()
      98             :     {
      99          36 :         return Members("TestingCriteria").add("ages", m_ages).add("infection_states", m_infection_states);
     100             :     }
     101             : 
     102             : private:
     103             :     std::bitset<MAX_NUM_AGE_GROUPS> m_ages; ///< Set of #AgeGroup%s that are either allowed or required to be tested.
     104             :     std::bitset<(size_t)InfectionState::Count>
     105             :         m_infection_states; /**< BitSet of #InfectionState%s that are either allowed or required to
     106             :     be tested.*/
     107             : };
     108             : 
     109             : /**
     110             :  * @brief TestingScheme to regular test Person%s.
     111             :  */
     112             : class TestingScheme
     113             : {
     114             : public:
     115             :     /**
     116             :      * @brief Create a TestingScheme.
     117             :      * @param[in] testing_criteria Vector of TestingCriteria that are checked for testing.
     118             :      * @param validity_period The valid TimeSpan of the test. 
     119             :      * @param start_date Starting date of the scheme.
     120             :      * @param end_date Ending date of the scheme.
     121             :      * @param test_parameters The parameters of test to be performed.
     122             :      * @param probability Probability of the test to be performed if a testing rule applies.
     123             :      */
     124             :     TestingScheme(const TestingCriteria& testing_criteria, TimeSpan validity_period, TimePoint start_date,
     125             :                   TimePoint end_date, TestParameters test_parameters, ScalarType probability);
     126             : 
     127             :     /**
     128             :      * @brief Compares two TestingScheme%s for functional equality.
     129             :      */
     130             :     bool operator==(const TestingScheme& other) const;
     131             : 
     132             :     /**
     133             :      * @brief Gets the activity status of the scheme.
     134             :      * @return Whether the TestingScheme is currently active.
     135             :      */
     136             :     bool is_active() const;
     137             : 
     138             :     /**
     139             :      * @brief Checks if the scheme is active at a given time and updates activity status.
     140             :      * @param[in] t TimePoint to be updated at.
     141             :      */
     142             :     void update_activity_status(TimePoint t);
     143             : 
     144             :     /**
     145             :      * @brief Runs the TestingScheme and potentially tests a Person.
     146             :      * @param[inout] rng PersonalRandomNumberGenerator of the Person being tested.
     147             :      * @param[in] person Person to check.
     148             :      * @param[in] t TimePoint when to run the scheme.
     149             :      * @return If the person is allowed to enter the Location by the scheme.
     150             :      */
     151             :     bool run_scheme(PersonalRandomNumberGenerator& rng, Person& person, TimePoint t) const;
     152             : 
     153             :     /// This method is used by the default serialization feature.
     154          18 :     auto default_serialize()
     155             :     {
     156          36 :         return Members("TestingScheme")
     157          54 :             .add("criteria", m_testing_criteria)
     158          54 :             .add("validity_period", m_validity_period)
     159          54 :             .add("start_date", m_start_date)
     160          54 :             .add("end_date", m_end_date)
     161          54 :             .add("test_params", m_test_parameters)
     162          54 :             .add("probability", m_probability)
     163          54 :             .add("is_active", m_is_active);
     164             :     }
     165             : 
     166             : private:
     167             :     friend DefaultFactory<TestingScheme>;
     168           9 :     TestingScheme() = default;
     169             : 
     170             :     TestingCriteria m_testing_criteria; ///< TestingCriteria of the scheme.
     171             :     TimeSpan m_validity_period; ///< The valid TimeSpan of the test.
     172             :     TimePoint m_start_date; ///< Starting date of the scheme.
     173             :     TimePoint m_end_date; ///< Ending date of the scheme.
     174             :     TestParameters m_test_parameters; ///< Parameters of the test.
     175             :     ScalarType m_probability; ///< Probability of performing the test.
     176             :     bool m_is_active = false; ///< Whether the scheme is currently active.
     177             : };
     178             : 
     179             : /**
     180             :  * @brief Set of TestingSchemes that are checked for testing.
     181             :  */
     182             : class TestingStrategy
     183             : {
     184             : public:
     185             :     /**
     186             :      * @brief List of testing schemes for a given LocationType and LocationId.
     187             :      * A LocalStrategy with id of value LocationId::invalid_id() is used for all Locations with LocationType type.
     188             :      */
     189             :     struct LocalStrategy {
     190             :         LocationType type;
     191             :         LocationId id;
     192             :         std::vector<TestingScheme> schemes;
     193             : 
     194             :         /// This method is used by the default serialization feature.
     195          18 :         auto default_serialize()
     196             :         {
     197          36 :             return Members("LocalStrategy").add("type", type).add("id", id).add("schemes", schemes);
     198             :         }
     199             :     };
     200             : 
     201             :     /**
     202             :      * @brief Create a TestingStrategy.
     203             :      * @param[in] testing_schemes Vector of TestingSchemes that are checked for testing.
     204             :      */
     205         234 :     TestingStrategy() = default;
     206             :     explicit TestingStrategy(const std::vector<LocalStrategy>& location_to_schemes_map);
     207             : 
     208             :     /**
     209             :      * @brief Add a TestingScheme to the set of schemes that are checked for testing at a certain Location.
     210             :      * A TestingScheme with loc_id of value LocationId::invalid_id() is used for all Locations of the given type.
     211             :      * @param[in] loc_type LocationType key for TestingScheme to be remove.
     212             :      * @param[in] loc_id LocationId key for TestingScheme to be added.
     213             :      * @param[in] scheme TestingScheme to be added.
     214             :      */
     215             :     void add_testing_scheme(const LocationType& loc_type, const LocationId& loc_id, const TestingScheme& scheme);
     216             : 
     217             :     /**
     218             :      * @brief Add a TestingScheme to the set of schemes that are checked for testing at a certain LocationType.
     219             :      * A TestingScheme with loc_id of value LocationId::invalid_id() is used for all Locations of the given type.
     220             :      * @param[in] loc_type LocationId key for TestingScheme to be added.
     221             :      * @param[in] scheme TestingScheme to be added.
     222             :      */
     223          54 :     void add_testing_scheme(const LocationType& loc_type, const TestingScheme& scheme)
     224             :     {
     225          54 :         add_testing_scheme(loc_type, LocationId::invalid_id(), scheme);
     226          54 :     }
     227             : 
     228             :     /**
     229             :      * @brief Remove a TestingScheme from the set of schemes that are checked for testing at a certain Location.
     230             :      * @param[in] loc_type LocationType key for TestingScheme to be remove.
     231             :      * @param[in] loc_id LocationId key for TestingScheme to be remove.
     232             :      * @param[in] scheme TestingScheme to be removed.
     233             :      */
     234             :     void remove_testing_scheme(const LocationType& loc_type, const LocationId& loc_id, const TestingScheme& scheme);
     235             : 
     236             :     /**
     237             :      * @brief Remove a TestingScheme from the set of schemes that are checked for testing at a certain Location.
     238             :      * A TestingScheme with loc_id of value LocationId::invalid_id() is used for all Locations of the given type.
     239             :      * @param[in] loc_type LocationType key for TestingScheme to be remove.
     240             :      * @param[in] scheme TestingScheme to be removed.
     241             :      */
     242           9 :     void remove_testing_scheme(const LocationType& loc_type, const TestingScheme& scheme)
     243             :     {
     244           9 :         remove_testing_scheme(loc_type, LocationId::invalid_id(), scheme);
     245           9 :     }
     246             : 
     247             :     /**
     248             :      * @brief Checks if the given TimePoint is within the interval of start and end date of each TestingScheme and then
     249             :      * changes the activity status for each TestingScheme accordingly.
     250             :      * @param t TimePoint to check the activity status of each TestingScheme.
     251             :      */
     252             :     void update_activity_status(const TimePoint t);
     253             : 
     254             :     /**
     255             :      * @brief Runs the TestingStrategy and potentially tests a Person.
     256             :      * @param[inout] rng PersonalRandomNumberGenerator of the Person being tested.
     257             :      * @param[in] person Person to check.
     258             :      * @param[in] location Location to check.
     259             :      * @param[in] t TimePoint when to run the strategy.
     260             :      * @return If the Person is allowed to enter the Location.
     261             :      */
     262             :     bool run_strategy(PersonalRandomNumberGenerator& rng, Person& person, const Location& location, TimePoint t);
     263             : 
     264             :     /// This method is used by the default serialization feature.
     265          27 :     auto default_serialize()
     266             :     {
     267          54 :         return Members("TestingStrategy").add("schemes", m_location_to_schemes_map);
     268             :     }
     269             : 
     270             : private:
     271             :     std::vector<LocalStrategy> m_location_to_schemes_map; ///< Set of schemes that are checked for testing.
     272             : };
     273             : 
     274             : } // namespace abm
     275             : } // namespace mio
     276             : 
     277             : #endif

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