Line data Source code
1 : /*
2 : * Copyright (C) 2020-2025 MEmilio
3 : *
4 : * Authors: Daniel Abele, Elisabeth Kluth, David Kerkmann, Khoa Nguyen
5 : *
6 : * Contact: Martin J. Kuehn <>
7 : *
8 : * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
9 : * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
10 : * You may obtain a copy of the License at
11 : *
12 : *
13 : *
14 : * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
15 : * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
16 : * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
17 : * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
18 : * limitations under the License.
19 : */
20 : #ifndef MIO_ABM_PERSON_H
21 : #define MIO_ABM_PERSON_H
22 :
23 : #include "abm/infection.h"
24 : #include "abm/infection_state.h"
25 : #include "abm/location_id.h"
26 : #include "abm/location.h"
27 : #include "abm/location_type.h"
28 : #include "abm/parameters.h"
29 : #include "abm/person_id.h"
30 : #include "abm/personal_rng.h"
31 : #include "memilio/io/default_serialize.h"
32 : #include "abm/time.h"
33 : #include "abm/test_type.h"
34 : #include "abm/protection_event.h"
35 : #include "abm/intervention_type.h"
36 : #include "abm/mask.h"
37 : #include "abm/mobility_data.h"
38 : #include "memilio/epidemiology/age_group.h"
39 : #include "memilio/utils/random_number_generator.h"
40 : #include <cstdint>
41 :
42 : namespace mio
43 : {
44 : namespace abm
45 : {
46 :
47 : /**
48 : * @brief Agents in the simulated Model that can carry and spread the Infection.
49 : */
50 : class Person
51 : {
52 : public:
53 : /**
54 : * @brief Create a Person.
55 : * @param[in, out] rng RandomNumberGenerator.
56 : * @param[in, out] location Initial Location of the Person.
57 : * @param[in] age The AgeGroup of the Person.
58 : * @param[in] person_index Index of the Person.
59 : *
60 : */
61 : explicit Person(mio::RandomNumberGenerator& rng, LocationType location_type, LocationId location_id,
62 : int location_model_id, AgeGroup age, PersonId person_id = PersonId::invalid_ID());
63 :
64 : explicit Person(const Person& other, PersonId person_id);
65 :
66 : /**
67 : * @brief Compare two Person%s.
68 : */
69 : bool operator==(const Person& other) const
70 : {
71 : return (m_person_id == other.m_person_id);
72 : }
73 :
74 : /**
75 : * @brief Get the latest #Infection of the Person.
76 : * @return The latest #Infection of the Person.
77 : */
78 : Infection& get_infection();
79 : const Infection& get_infection() const;
80 :
81 : /**
82 : * @brief Get all vaccinations of the Person.
83 : * @return A vector with all vaccinations.
84 : * @{
85 : */
86 : std::vector<ProtectionEvent>& get_vaccinations()
87 : {
88 : return m_vaccinations;
89 : }
90 :
91 : const std::vector<ProtectionEvent>& get_vaccinations() const
92 : {
93 : return m_vaccinations;
94 : }
95 : /** @} */
96 :
97 : /**
98 : * @brief Returns if the Person is infected at the TimePoint.
99 : * @param[in] t TimePoint of querry. Usually the current time of the Simulation.
100 : * @return True if the Person is infected at the TimePoint.
101 : */
102 : bool is_infected(TimePoint t) const;
103 :
104 : /**
105 : * @brief Get the InfectionState of the Person at a specific TimePoint.
106 : * @param[in] t TimePoint of querry. Usually the current time of the Simulation.
107 : * @return The InfectionState of the latest Infection at time t.
108 : */
109 : InfectionState get_infection_state(TimePoint t) const;
110 :
111 : /**
112 : * @brief Adds a new Infection to the list of Infection%s.
113 : * @param[in] inf The new Infection.
114 : */
115 : void add_new_infection(Infection&& inf);
116 :
117 : /**
118 : * @brief Get the AgeGroup of this Person.
119 : * @return AgeGroup of the Person.
120 : */
121 10314 : AgeGroup get_age() const
122 : {
123 10314 : return m_age;
124 : }
125 :
126 : /**
127 : * @brief Get the current Location of the Person.
128 : * @return Current Location of the Person.
129 : */
130 : LocationId get_location() const;
131 :
132 10896 : LocationType get_location_type() const
133 : {
134 10896 : return m_location_type;
135 : }
136 :
137 99265 : int get_location_model_id() const
138 : {
139 99265 : return m_location_model_id;
140 : }
141 :
142 : /**
143 : * @brief Change the location of the person.
144 : * @param[in] type The LocationType of the new Location.
145 : * @param[in] id The LocationId of the new Location.
146 : * @param[in] model_id The model id of the new Location.
147 : */
148 : void set_location(LocationType type, LocationId id, int model_id);
149 :
150 : /**
151 : * @brief Get the time the Person has been at its current Location.
152 : * @return TimeSpan the Person has been at the Location.
153 : */
154 81 : TimeSpan get_time_at_location() const
155 : {
156 81 : return m_time_at_location;
157 : }
158 :
159 : /**
160 : * @brief Add to the time the Person has been at its current Location.
161 : * @param[in] dt TimeSpan the Person has spent at the Location.
162 : */
163 2925 : void add_time_at_location(const TimeSpan dt)
164 : {
165 2925 : m_time_at_location += dt;
166 2925 : }
167 :
168 : /**
169 : * @brief Set an assigned Location of the Person.
170 : *
171 : * Important: Setting incorrect values will cause issues during simulation. It is preferable to use
172 : * Model::assign_location with a valid LocationId, obtained e.g. through Model::add_location.
173 : *
174 : * The assigned Location is saved by the index of its LocationId. Assume that a Person has at most one assigned
175 : * Location of a certain #LocationType.
176 : * @param[in] type The LocationType of the Location.
177 : * @param[in] id The LocationId of the Location.
178 : * @param[in] model_id The model id of the Location.
179 : */
180 : void set_assigned_location(LocationType type, LocationId id, int model_id);
181 :
182 : /**
183 : * @brief Returns the index of an assigned Location of the Person.
184 : * Assume that a Person has at most one assigned Location of a certain #LocationType.
185 : * @param[in] type #LocationType of the assigned Location.
186 : * @return The index in the LocationId of the assigned Location.
187 : */
188 : LocationId get_assigned_location(LocationType type) const;
189 :
190 : /**
191 : * @brief Get the assigned Location%s of the Person.
192 : * @return A vector with the indices of the assigned Location%s of the Person.
193 : */
194 : const std::vector<LocationId>& get_assigned_locations() const
195 : {
196 : return m_assigned_locations;
197 : }
198 :
199 : /**
200 : * @brief Returns the model id of an assigned location of the Person.
201 : * Assume that a Person has at most one assigned Location of a certain #LocationType.
202 : * @param[in] type #LocationType of the assigned Location.
203 : * @return The model id of the assigned Location.
204 : */
205 : int get_assigned_location_model_id(LocationType type) const;
206 :
207 : /**
208 : * @brief Get the assigned locations' model ids of the Person.
209 : * @return A vector with the model ids of the assigned locations of the Person
210 : */
211 : const std::vector<int>& get_assigned_location_model_ids() const
212 : {
213 : return m_assigned_location_model_ids;
214 : }
215 :
216 : /**
217 : * @brief Draw if the Person goes to work or is in home office during lockdown at a specific TimePoint.
218 : * Every Person has a random number. Depending on this number and the time, the Person works from home in case of a
219 : * lockdown.
220 : * @param[in] t The TimePoint of interest. Usually the current time of the Simulation.
221 : * @param[in] params Parameters that describe the mobility between Location%s.
222 : * @return True the Person works from home.
223 : */
224 : bool goes_to_work(TimePoint t, const Parameters& params) const;
225 :
226 : /**
227 : * @brief Draw at what time the Person goes to work.
228 : * Every Person has a random number to determine what time to go to work.
229 : * Depending on this number Person decides what time has to go to work.
230 : * @param[in] params Parameters that describe the mobility between Location%s.
231 : * @return The time of going to work.
232 : */
233 : TimeSpan get_go_to_work_time(const Parameters& params) const;
234 :
235 : /**
236 : * @brief Draw if the Person goes to school or stays at home during lockdown.
237 : * Every Person has a random number that determines if they go to school in case of a lockdown.
238 : * @param[in] t The TimePoint of interest. Usually the current time of the Simulation.
239 : * @param[in] params Parameters that describe the mobility between Location%s.
240 : * @return True if the Person goes to school.
241 : */
242 : bool goes_to_school(TimePoint t, const Parameters& params) const;
243 :
244 : /**
245 : * @brief Draw at what time the Person goes to work.
246 : * Every Person has a random number to determine what time to go to school.
247 : * Depending on this number Person decides what time has to go to school.
248 : * @param[in] params Parameters that describe the mobility between Location%s.
249 : * @return The time of going to school.
250 : */
251 : TimeSpan get_go_to_school_time(const Parameters& params) const;
252 :
253 : /**
254 : * @brief Answers the question if a Person is currently in quarantine.
255 : * If a Person is in quarantine this Person cannot change to Location%s other than Home or the Hospital.
256 : * @param[in] t The TimePoint of interest. Usually the current time of the Simulation.
257 : * @param[in] params Parameter that includes the length of a quarantine.
258 : * @return True if the Person is in quarantine.
259 : */
260 1682 : bool is_in_quarantine(TimePoint t, const Parameters& params) const
261 : {
262 1682 : return t < m_home_isolation_start + params.get<mio::abm::QuarantineDuration>();
263 : }
264 :
265 : /**
266 : * @brief Removes the quarantine status of the Person.
267 : */
268 : void remove_quarantine();
269 :
270 : /**
271 : * @brief Simulates a viral test and returns the test result of the Person.
272 : * If the test is positive, the Person has to quarantine.
273 : * If the test is negative, quarantine ends.
274 : * @param[inout] rng RandomNumberGenerator of the Person.
275 : * @param[in] t TimePoint of the test.
276 : * @param[in] params Sensitivity and specificity of the test method.
277 : * @return True if the test result of the Person is positive.
278 : */
279 : bool get_tested(PersonalRandomNumberGenerator& rng, TimePoint t, const TestParameters& params);
280 :
281 : /**
282 : * @brief Get the PersonId of the Person.
283 : * @return The PersonId.
284 : */
285 : PersonId get_id() const;
286 :
287 : /**
288 : * @brief Get index of Cell%s of the Person.
289 : * @return A vector of all Cell indices the Person visits at the current Location.
290 : */
291 : std::vector<uint32_t>& get_cells();
292 :
293 : const std::vector<uint32_t>& get_cells() const;
294 :
295 : /**
296 : * @brief Get the current Mask of the Person.
297 : * @return Reference to the Mask object of the Person.
298 : */
299 92 : Mask& get_mask()
300 : {
301 92 : return m_mask;
302 : }
303 :
304 : const Mask& get_mask() const
305 : {
306 : return m_mask;
307 : }
308 :
309 : /**
310 : * @brief Get the protection of the Mask.
311 : * A value of 1 represents full protection and a value of 0 means no protection. This depends on the MaskType of the
312 : * Mask the Person is wearing.
313 : * @param[in] params The parameters of the Infection that are the same everywhere within the Model.
314 : * @return The reduction factor of getting an Infection when wearing the Mask.
315 : */
316 : ScalarType get_mask_protective_factor(const Parameters& params) const;
317 :
318 : /**
319 : * @brief For every #InterventionType a Person has a compliance value between 0 and 1.
320 : * 0 means that the Person never complies to the Intervention.
321 : * 1 means that the Person always complies to the Intervention.
322 : * @param[in] intervention_type The #InterventionType.
323 : * @param[in] value The compliance value.
324 : */
325 220 : void set_compliance(InterventionType intervention_type, ScalarType value)
326 : {
327 220 : m_compliance[static_cast<uint32_t>(intervention_type)] = value;
328 220 : }
329 :
330 : /**
331 : * @brief Get the compliance of the Person for an Intervention.
332 : * @param[in] intervention_type The #InterventionType.
333 : * @return The probability that the Person complies to an Intervention.
334 : */
335 692 : ScalarType get_compliance(InterventionType intervention_type) const
336 : {
337 692 : return m_compliance[static_cast<uint32_t>(intervention_type)];
338 : }
339 :
340 : /**
341 : * @brief Checks whether the Person complies an Intervention.
342 : * @param[inout] rng PersonalRandomNumberGenerator of the Person.
343 : * @param[in] intervention The #InterventionType.
344 : * @return Checks whether the Person complies an Intervention.
345 : */
346 : bool is_compliant(PersonalRandomNumberGenerator& rng, InterventionType intervention) const;
347 :
348 : /**
349 : * @brief Change the mask to new type.
350 : * @param[in] type The required #MaskType.
351 : * @param[in] t The TimePoint of mask change.
352 : */
353 : void set_mask(MaskType type, TimePoint t);
354 :
355 : /**
356 : * @brief Get the multiplicative factor on how likely an #Infection is due to the immune system.
357 : * @param[in] t TimePoint of check.
358 : * @param[in] virus VirusVariant to check
359 : * @param[in] params Parameters in the model.
360 : * @returns Protection factor for general #Infection of the immune system to the given VirusVariant at the given TimePoint.
361 : */
362 : ScalarType get_protection_factor(TimePoint t, VirusVariant virus, const Parameters& params) const;
363 :
364 : /**
365 : * @brief Add a new vaccination
366 : * @param[in] v ProtectionType (i. e. vaccine) the person takes.
367 : * @param[in] t TimePoint of the vaccination.
368 : */
369 18 : void add_new_vaccination(ProtectionType v, TimePoint t)
370 : {
371 18 : m_vaccinations.push_back(ProtectionEvent(v, t));
372 18 : }
373 :
374 : /**
375 : * @brief Get the transport mode the Person used to get to its current Location.
376 : * @return TransportMode the Person used to get to its current Location.
377 : */
378 1377 : mio::abm::TransportMode get_last_transport_mode() const
379 : {
380 1377 : return m_last_transport_mode;
381 : }
382 :
383 : /**
384 : * @brief Set the transport mode the Person used to get to its current Location.
385 : * @param[in] mode TransportMode the Person used to get to its current Location.
386 : */
387 364 : void set_last_transport_mode(const mio::abm::TransportMode mode)
388 : {
389 364 : m_last_transport_mode = mode;
390 364 : }
391 :
392 : /**
393 : * @brief Get this persons RandomNumberGenerator counter.
394 : * @see mio::abm::PersonalRandomNumberGenerator.
395 : */
396 6808 : Counter<uint32_t>& get_rng_counter()
397 : {
398 6808 : return m_rng_counter;
399 : }
400 :
401 : /**
402 : * @brief Get this Person's index that is used for the RandomNumberGenerator.
403 : * @see mio::abm::PersonalRandomNumberGenerator.
404 : */
405 6790 : uint32_t get_rng_index()
406 : {
407 6790 : return m_rng_index;
408 : }
409 :
410 : /**
411 : * @brief Get this Person's key that is used for the RandomNumberGenerator.
412 : * @see mio::abm::PersonalRandomNumberGenerator.
413 : */
414 6790 : mio::Key<uint64_t> get_rng_key()
415 : {
416 6790 : return m_rng_key;
417 : }
418 :
419 : /**
420 : * @brief Get the latest #ProtectionType and its initial TimePoint of the Person.
421 : */
422 : ProtectionEvent get_latest_protection() const;
423 :
424 : /// This method is used by the default serialization feature.
425 18 : auto default_serialize()
426 : {
427 36 : return Members("Person")
428 54 : .add("location", m_location)
429 54 : .add("location_type", m_location_type)
430 54 : .add("assigned_locations", m_assigned_locations)
431 54 : .add("vaccinations", m_vaccinations)
432 54 : .add("infections", m_infections)
433 54 : .add("home_isolation_start", m_home_isolation_start)
434 54 : .add("age_group", m_age)
435 54 : .add("time_at_location", m_time_at_location)
436 54 : .add("rnd_workgroup", m_random_workgroup)
437 54 : .add("rnd_schoolgroup", m_random_schoolgroup)
438 54 : .add("rnd_go_to_work_hour", m_random_goto_work_hour)
439 54 : .add("rnd_go_to_school_hour", m_random_goto_school_hour)
440 54 : .add("mask", m_mask)
441 54 : .add("compliance", m_compliance)
442 54 : .add("cells", m_cells)
443 54 : .add("last_transport_mode", m_last_transport_mode)
444 54 : .add("rng_counter", m_rng_counter)
445 54 : .add("test_results", m_test_results)
446 54 : .add("id", m_person_id)
447 54 : .add("rng_index", m_rng_index);
448 : }
449 :
450 : /**
451 : * @brief Add TestResult to the Person
452 : * @param[in] t The TimePoint of the test.
453 : * @param[in] type The TestType of the test.
454 : * @param[in] result The result of the test.
455 : */
456 : void add_test_result(TimePoint t, TestType type, bool result);
457 :
458 : /**
459 : * @brief Get the most recent TestResult performed from the Person based on the TestType.
460 : * If time_of_testing == TimePoint(std::numeric_limits<int>::min()), there is no previous TestResult.
461 : * @param[in] type The TestType of the test.
462 : * @return The latest TestResult of the given Type.
463 : */
464 : TestResult get_test_result(TestType type) const;
465 :
466 : private:
467 : LocationId m_location; ///< Current Location of the Person.
468 : LocationType m_location_type; ///< Type of the current Location.
469 : int m_location_model_id; ///< Model id of the current Location. Only used for Graph ABM.
470 : std::vector<LocationId> m_assigned_locations; /**! Vector with the indices of the assigned Locations so that the
471 : Person always visits the same Home or School etc. */
472 : std::vector<ProtectionEvent> m_vaccinations; ///< Vector with all vaccinations the Person has received.
473 : std::vector<Infection> m_infections; ///< Vector with all Infection%s the Person had.
474 : TimePoint m_home_isolation_start; ///< TimePoint when the Person started isolation at home.
475 : AgeGroup m_age; ///< AgeGroup the Person belongs to.
476 : TimeSpan m_time_at_location; ///< Time the Person has spent at its current Location so far.
477 : double m_random_workgroup; ///< Value to determine if the Person goes to work or works from home during lockdown.
478 : double m_random_schoolgroup; ///< Value to determine if the Person goes to school or stays at home during lockdown.
479 : double m_random_goto_work_hour; ///< Value to determine at what time the Person goes to work.
480 : double m_random_goto_school_hour; ///< Value to determine at what time the Person goes to school.
481 : Mask m_mask; ///< The Mask of the Person.
482 : std::vector<ScalarType>
483 : m_compliance; ///< Vector of compliance values for all #InterventionType%s. Values from 0 to 1.
484 : std::vector<uint32_t> m_cells; ///< Vector with all Cell%s the Person visits at its current Location.
485 : mio::abm::TransportMode m_last_transport_mode; ///< TransportMode the Person used to get to its current Location.
486 : CustomIndexArray<TestResult, TestType> m_test_results; ///< CustomIndexArray for TestResults.
487 : std::vector<int>
488 : m_assigned_location_model_ids; ///< Vector with model ids of the assigned locations. Only used in graph abm.
489 : PersonId m_person_id; ///< Unique identifier of a person.
490 : mio::Key<uint64_t> m_rng_key; ///< Key for PersonalRandomNumberGenerator
491 : uint32_t m_rng_index; ///< Index for PersonalRandomNumberGenerator.
492 : Counter<uint32_t> m_rng_counter{0}; ///< counter for RandomNumberGenerator.
493 : };
494 :
495 : } // namespace abm
496 :
497 : /// @brief Creates an instance of abm::Person for default serialization.
498 : template <>
499 : struct DefaultFactory<abm::Person> {
500 9 : static abm::Person create()
501 : {
502 : return abm::Person(thread_local_rng(), abm::LocationType::Count, abm::LocationId(), 0, AgeGroup(0),
503 9 : abm::PersonId());
504 : }
505 : };
506 :
507 : } // namespace mio
508 :
509 : #endif